Postma, G.J.

Output 2008


  • Postma, G.J. (2008, januari 11). The influence of the North-Eastern Saxonic varieties on Dutch and Frisian. Nijmegen, Workshop Migration and Language Change.
  • Postma, G.J. (2008, januari 18). When grammatical and socio-linguistic factors compete – transmission and diffusion of palatlized [u]>[y] in eastern Dutch dialects. Nijmegen, Conference on Transmission and Diffusion.
  • Postma, G.J. (2008, maart 19). The impact of Failed Changes – The rise and fall of Early Modern Dutch ‘sick’ and its algebraic relation to the success of ‘sich’. Cambridge (UK), Continuity and Change in Grammar.
  • Postma, G.J. (2008, juni 05). Where phonetic drift and morpho-phonological structure meet: diffusion of palatallized [u]>[y] in eastern Dutch dialects. Amsterdam, Zomersymposium Fonetiek.
  • Postma, G.J. (2008, juni 12). Antisymmetry as the source of Umlaut. Amsterdam, Workshop on Umlaut in Germanic Languages.
  • Postma, G.J. (2008, december 10). Fonologische en morfologische correlaties met de umlautsisolosse – in Oost-Friesland en Overijssel. Leeuwarden, Fries Filologencongres.


  • Postma, G.J. (2008). Workshop Netwerk Diachronie.


  • Ondernemingsraad KNAW, lid, vanaf 28-03-2006.
  • Locaal Overleg Bonden-KNAW, lid, vanaf 28-03-2006.
  • Meertens, Commissie Strategie en Beleid, lid, 01-03-2005 t/m 01-03-2008.


  • Oostendorp, M. van & Postma, G.J. (2008). Povi legi la gazaton norvege, hispane au frise. Liberaj folioj.
  • Postma, G.J. & Oostendorp, M. van (29-02-2008). De krant kunnen lezen in Noors, Spaans, of Fries. NRC Handelsblad