Koehnlein, B.

Output 2008


  • Koehnlein, B. & Boersma, P. (2008, januari 25). Westerwald Franconian: A different ternary scale for tone spreading. Toulouse, OCP 5.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, februari 02). The reversed reversal in Arzbach’s tone accents. Utrecht, TIN dag.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, februari 14). Was ist “Regel B”? Zur Umkehrung der Regelumkehrung in Arzbachs Tonakzenten. Marburg, Germany, Tonakzent-Workshop.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, mei 03). There ‘s no reversal in “Rule B “: Evidence against traditional claims about tone accents in the Westerwald. Madison, Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, mei 23). From outsider to prototype: The lexical tone contrast in Arzbach (Westerwald). Manchester, Manchester Phonology Meeting.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, oktober 03). Understanding the partial reversal of tonal contours: OCP-effects in two Franconian dialects. Utrecht, Sound Circle.
  • Koehnlein, B. (2008, november 25). How OCP influences lexical tones in Franconian dialects: Explaining the differences between Rule A and Rule B. Nijmegen, Meeting Prosody Group.


  • Koehnlein, B. (2008). Diebold Prize from the Society for Germanic Linguistics (SGL). Outstanding student paper presented at the Fourteenth Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC): . Overig prod. v. wetensch. act.