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Tags used in the FRED-S corpus
APPGEpossessive pronoun, pre-nominal (e.g. my, your, our)
ATarticle (e.g. the, no)
AT1singular article (e.g. a, an, every)
BCLbefore-clause marker (e.g. in order (that),in order (to))
CCcoordinating conjunction (e.g. and, or)
CCBadversative coordinating conjunction ( but)
CSsubordinating conjunction (e.g. if, because, unless, so, for)
CSAas (as conjunction)
CSNthan (as conjunction)
CSTthat (as conjunction)
CSWwhether (as conjunction)
DAafter-determiner or post-determiner capable of pronominal function (e.g. such, former, same)
DA1singular after-determiner (e.g. little, much)
DA2plural after-determiner (e.g. few, several, many)
DARcomparative after-determiner (e.g. more, less, fewer)
DATsuperlative after-determiner (e.g. most, least, fewest)
DBbefore determiner or pre-determiner capable of pronominal function (all, half)
DB2plural before-determiner ( both)
DDdeterminer (capable of pronominal function) (e.g any, some)
DD1singular determiner (e.g. this, that, another)
DD2plural determiner ( these,those)
DDQwh-determiner (which, what)
DDQGEwh-determiner, genitive (whose)
DDQVwh-ever determiner, (whichever, whatever)
EXexistential there
FUunclassified word
FWforeign word
GEgermanic genitive marker - (' or's)
IFfor (as preposition)
IIgeneral preposition
IOof (as preposition)
IWwith, without (as prepositions)
JJgeneral adjective
JJRgeneral comparative adjective (e.g. older, better, stronger)
JJTgeneral superlative adjective (e.g. oldest, best, strongest)
JKcatenative adjective (able in be able to, willing in be willing to)
MCcardinal number,neutral for number (two, three..)
MC1singular cardinal number (one)
MC2plural cardinal number (e.g. sixes, sevens)
MCGEgenitive cardinal number, neutral for number (two's, 100's)
MCMChyphenated number (40-50, 1770-1827)
MDordinal number (e.g. first, second, next, last)
MFfraction,neutral for number (e.g. quarters, two-thirds)
ND1singular noun of direction (e.g. north, southeast)
NNcommon noun, neutral for number (e.g. sheep, cod, headquarters)
NN1singular common noun (e.g. book, girl)
NN2plural common noun (e.g. books, girls)
NNAfollowing noun of title (e.g. M.A.)
NNBpreceding noun of title (e.g. Mr., Prof.)
NNL1singular locative noun (e.g. Island, Street)
NNL2plural locative noun (e.g. Islands, Streets)
NNOnumeral noun, neutral for number (e.g. dozen, hundred)
NNO2numeral noun, plural (e.g. hundreds, thousands)
NNT1temporal noun, singular (e.g. day, week, year)
NNT2temporal noun, plural (e.g. days, weeks, years)
NNUunit of measurement, neutral for number (e.g. in, cc)
NNU1singular unit of measurement (e.g. inch, centimetre)
NNU2plural unit of measurement (e.g. ins., feet)
NPproper noun, neutral for number (e.g. IBM, Andes)
NP1singular proper noun (e.g. London, Jane, Frederick)
NP2plural proper noun (e.g. Browns, Reagans, Koreas)
NPD1singular weekday noun (e.g. Sunday)
NPD2plural weekday noun (e.g. Sundays)
NPM1singular month noun (e.g. October)
NPM2plural month noun (e.g. Octobers)
PNindefinite pronoun, neutral for number (none)
PN1indefinite pronoun, singular (e.g. anyone, everything, nobody, one)
PNQOobjective wh-pronoun (whom)
PNQSsubjective wh-pronoun (who)
PNQVwh-ever pronoun (whoever)
PNX1reflexive indefinite pronoun (oneself)
PPGEnominal possessive personal pronoun (e.g. mine, yours)
PPH13rd person sing. neuter personal pronoun (it)
PPHO13rd person sing. objective personal pronoun (him, her)
PPHO23rd person plural objective personal pronoun (them)
PPHS13rd person sing. subjective personal pronoun (he, she)
PPHS23rd person plural subjective personal pronoun (they)
PPIO11st person sing. objective personal pronoun (me)
PPIO21st person plural objective personal pronoun (us)
PPIS11st person sing. subjective personal pronoun (I)
PPIS21st person plural subjective personal pronoun (we)
PPX1singular reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yourself, itself)
PPX2plural reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yourselves, themselves)
PPY2nd person personal pronoun (you)
RAadverb, after nominal head (e.g. else, galore)
REXadverb introducing appositional constructions (namely, e.g.)
RGdegree adverb (very, so, too)
RGQwh- degree adverb (how)
RGQVwh-ever degree adverb (however)
RGRcomparative degree adverb (more, less)
RGTsuperlative degree adverb (most, least)
RLlocative adverb (e.g. alongside, forward)
RPprep. adverb, particle (e.g about, in)
RPKprep. adv., catenative (about in be about to)
RRgeneral adverb
RRQwh- general adverb (where, when, why, how)
RRQVwh-ever general adverb (wherever, whenever)
RRRcomparative general adverb (e.g. better, longer)
RRTsuperlative general adverb (e.g. best, longest)
RTquasi-nominal adverb of time (e.g. now, tomorrow)
TOinfinitive marker (to)
UHinterjection (e.g. oh, yes, um)
VB0be, base form (finite i.e. imperative, subjunctive)
VBIbe, infinitive (To be or not... It will be ..)
VD0do, base form (finite)
VDIdo, infinitive (I may do... To do...)
VH0have, base form (finite)
VHDhad (past tense)
VHIhave, infinitive
VHNhad (past participle)
VMmodal auxiliary (can, will, would, etc.)
VMKmodal catenative (ought, used)
VV0base form of lexical verb (e.g. give, work)
VVDpast tense of lexical verb (e.g. gave, worked)
VVG-ing participle of lexical verb (e.g. giving, working)
VVGK-ing participle catenative (going in be going to)
VVIinfinitive (e.g. to give... It will work...)
VVNpast participle of lexical verb (e.g. given, worked)
VVNKpast participle catenative (e.g. bound in be bound to)
VVZ-s form of lexical verb (e.g. gives, works)
XXnot, n't
ZZ1singular letter of the alphabet (e.g. A,b)
ZZ2plural letter of the alphabet (e.g. A's, b's)