Everyday Life

The focus on heritage is central to the research into material expressions of rural culture (The new rural) as well as in projects that focus on (in)tangible heritage and commemorative culture. The central role of images in current society will be brought to the forefront in the research into color blindness, race, and the power of images in the Netherlands (Visibility and invisibility), in the many manifestations of religious imagery in popular culture (HERILIGION), in the perception of rituals and new religious expressions (New and contested forms of religiosity), and in perceptions of the countryside (The new rural). The many new forms of religiosity and fulfillment practices will be the topic of research of the projects into changing viewpoints on medicine and health (Alternative medicine), the populist fascination with “Judeo-Christian heritage” (Populism, social media, and religion) and the popularity of religious heritage among non-believers (HERILIGION).