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This page gives access to the collections of the Meertens Institute. Key issues in the collections are variational linguistics and Dutch ethnology.

Over 70.000 books, 4.000 journal titles, over 180 digital collections, thousands of hours of audio-recordings and more than 500 paper collections and archieves together form a unique source of information about Dutch language and culture:


Library catalogue

Overview of archives and collections


Paper and analogue collections are stored in the Meertens Institute, where they are available for everybody who is interested in the research themes of the institute. If you make an appointment before visiting the institute, we will put the material ready for you.

The Meertens Institute is certified with the CoreTrustSeal and aims at offering its collections in digital format and open access. An overview of ongoing digitalization projects you will find here.

If you have any questions or remarks, you can contact:

Lidy Jansen (coordinator library and archives)

Douwe Zeldenrust (manager collections)