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Data protection

Name of the service Meertens Collections
Controller of the personal data file and a contact person Meertens Instituut
PO Box 10855
1001 EW Amsterdam

Contact: Martine de Bruin,

Purpose of the processing of personal data Meertens Collections provides services to deposit, view and process digital material made available by the Meertens Instituut.

Personal data is processed for managing the users’ access rights to the materials in Meertens Collections. Log files are used for ensuring the integrity and availability of the service and for producing statistics of the service use.

Personal data processed Following data is retrieved from your Home Organisation provided that your Home Organisation is wiling to release it: :

  • your unique user identifier (ePPN) or a unique identifier that your Home Organisation issues
  • your Full Name (CN)
  • your affiliation
  • your email address

If your organisation does not provide some of these user attributes, you might be requested to provide them yourself in order to use certain services.

Following data may be gathered from yourself:

  • Name
  • your affiliation
  • your email address
Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed Personal data is not disclosed to 3rd parties.
How to access, rectify and delete the personal data Contact the contact person above.
To rectify the data released by your Home Organisation, contact your Home Organisation’s IT helpdesk.
Data retention Your personal data is deleted upon request or after five years of inactivity as a user of the Meertens Collections services.
Data Protection Code of Conduct Your personal data will be protected according to the Code of Conduct for Service Providers, a common standard for the research and higher education sector to protect your privacy.