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The Meertens Institute studies and documents language and culture in the Netherlands as well as Dutch language and culture throughout the world. We focus on the phenomena that shape everyday life in society. Together with the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (Huygens ING) and the International Institute of Social History (IISH) the Meertens Institute forms the KNAW Humanities Cluster. The non-scholarly services and facilities of the institute – such as the departments of Personnel, Finance, Communications, DTP, Reception, and the Secretariat – have been housed at the Planning and Control Department of the KNAW Humanities Cluster.


Managing Director: Inger Leemans
Director of Operations KNAW Humanities Cluster: Sabine Rummens

Digital Infrastructure
The Digital Infrastructure Department moves at the interface of ICT, research, and cultural heritage. It also manages several websites on behalf of the Meertens Institute that enable accessibility of general information and research results to the general public and to other researchers.

Head of Digital Infrastructure KNAW Humanities Cluster: Menno Rasch


The staff members of the Communications Department are responsible for the organisation of internal and external activities and expressions related to communications.

Communications advisor: Olga Leonhard
Student assistent communications: Emma Bastiaansen


For more than ninety years, the Meertens Institute has been acquiring archives and its researchers have been building (digital) collections. This unique material in the field of Dutch ethnology and variation linguistics is part of the national heritage of the Netherlands.

Library Coordinator: Lidy Jansen
Manager Collections and Senior Research Data Manager: Douwe Zeldenrust

Science Committee

The Science Committee is a committee appointed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) which advises both the management of the institute and the Board of Management of the KNAW. At present, the Science Committee includes the following members:

Prof. Dr. Birgit Meyer (chair), Universiteit Utrecht
Prof. Dr. Valdimar Hafstein, University of Iceland
Prof. Dr. Henkjan Honing, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Prof. Dr. Andreas Witt, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Prof. Dr. Anne Breitbarth, Universiteit Gent
Prof. Dr. Tine Damsholt, University of Copenhagen