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Sociolinguistics Circle 2015 – Ghent (Belgium)

Meeting description

After a successful first edition in Groningen, we are happy to announce the second conference of the Sociolinguistics Circle, which will be hosted by Ghent University. The Sociolinguistics Circle is an initiative by a group of scholars working in the Low Countries (see below). The aim of the one-day conference is to bring together students and researchers of language variation, sociolinguistics and social dynamics of language with a connection to the Low Countries. Particular emphasis is put on student participation: the conference is open to researchers of all levels.

Call for papers

We now welcome abstracts for paper and poster presentations (on any linguistic variety). Abstracts should deal with topics in variationist linguistics, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, dialectology, or related disciplines. Abstracts of no more than 300 words (excluding references) should be submitted in English or Dutch to before 12 January 2015.

Organising committee (Ghent University)

Johan De Caluwe
Steven Delarue
Veronique De Tier
Anne-Sophie Ghyselen
Inge Van Lancker

Members of the Sociolinguistics Circle

Leonie Cornips (The Meertens Institute/Maastricht University)
Stefan Grondelaers (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Nanna Haug Hilton (University of Groningen)
Roeland van Hout (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Remco Knooihuizen (University of Groningen)
Jacomine Nortier (Utrecht University)
Jos Swanenberg (Tilburg University)
Veronique De Tier (Ghent University)
Hans Van de Velde (Fryske Akademy)