Balkenhol, dr. M. (Markus)
Researcher Ethnology
- telephone
- 020 4628 526
- contribution to journal (article)
- contribution to journal (review)
- contribution to edited volume
- working paper
- book (author)
- book (editor)
- thesis
- conference participation
- public engagement
Balkenhol, M. (2024). The Polyphonic Object. Amsterdam Museum Journal, 3, 295-297.*11i9ftv*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTIwMDI2OTgwMy4xNzM2MDYwMjEz*_ga_8079F9V0J7*MTczNjA2MDIxMy4xLjAuMTczNjA2MDIxMy4wLjAuNDk3MTA1MTg1
Balkenhol, M. (2023). Canonizing De Kom: Sacrality, Blackness, and the Nation in Postcolonial Netherlands. small axe – a caribbean journal of criticism, 27(1), 59-66.
Balkenhol, M. & Coenders, Y. (2020). Metahistory as diaspora practice: Mobilizing the Dutch black radical tradition. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 4256-4268.
Balkenhol, M. & Schramm, K. (2019). Doing race in Europe. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 27(4), 585-595.
Balkenhol, M. & van den Hemel, E. (2019). Odd Bedfellows, New Alliances: The Politics of Religion, Cultural Heritage and Identity in the Netherlands. Trajecta: Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving in de Nederlanden, 28(1), 117-141.
Balkenhol, M. (2019). Over standbeelden, totempalen, en de herinnering aan de slavernij. B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 46(2), 294-299.
Balkenhol, M. & van den Hemel, E. (2019). Zwarte Pieten, moskeebezoek en zoenende mannen: Katholiek activisme van Cultuur Onder Vuur en de culturalisering van religie. Religie & Samenleving, 14(1), 5.
Balkenhol, M. (2017). Bodies, monuments, history. Commemorating slavery in the Netherlands. Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie, 12.
Balkenhol, M. (2016). Silence and the politics of compassion. Commemorating slavery in the Netherlands. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 24(3).
Balkenhol, M. (2015). The art of tracing. Material Religion, 11, 109-110.
Balkenhol, M. (2015). Working with the ancestors: The kabra mask and the ‘African renaissance’ in the Netherlands. Material Religion, 11(2), 251-254.
Balkenhol, M. (2015). Zwarte Piet, Racisme, Emoties. Waardenwerk, 62/63, 36-46.
Balkenhol, M. & Jaffe, R. K. (2013). The Netherlands Now. Introduction. Etnofoor, 25(2), 7-11.
Balkenhol, M. (2012). De kotomisi en haar kinderen. Slavernij en erfgoed nieuwe stijl in Nederland. OSO: tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caraïbisch gebied, 31(2), 55-71.
Balkenhol, M. (2012). Introduction. Etnofoor, 24(1), 7-13.
Balkenhol, M. (2011). Emplacing slavery: Roots, monuments and politics of belonging in the Netherlands. African Diaspora, 5(2).
Balkenhol, M. (2010). The Changing Aesthetics of Savagery. Slavery, Belonging, and Post-Colonial Melancholia in the Netherlands. Etnofoor, 71-89.
Balkenhol, M. (2024). [Review of] Het koloniale en slavernijverleden van Hofstad Den Haag. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, 139.
Balkenhol, M. (2018). [Review of: Melissa F. Weiner (2018) Smash the Pillars : Decoloniality and the Imaginary of Color in the Netherlands]. Etnofoor, 30(2), 101-105.
Balkenhol, M. (2014). [Review of: Partridge (2012) Hypersexuality and Headscarves]. Reviews & Critical Commentary.
Balkenhol, M. (2024). The presence of the ancestors as colonial inheritance. In W. Modest (Ed.), Our Colonial Inheritance (pp. 308-322). Lannoo.
Balkenhol, M. (2023). Herdenkingen en doorwerkingen van de slavernij in Nederland. In R. M. Allen, E. Captain, M. van Rossum, & U. Vyent (Eds.), Staat en slavernij: Het Nederlandse koloniale slavernijverleden en zijn doorwerkingen (pp. 73-81). Athenaeum.
Balkenhol, M. Mepschen, P. & Duyvendak, W. J. G. (2023). L’équation nativiste: sexualité, race et religion aux Pays-Bas. In G. Alévêque, & A. Chandivert (Eds.), La Moralisation de la culture: Éthiques et politiques des appartenances et différences Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
Balkenhol, M. (2021). Commemorating the African Ancestors: Entanglements of Citizenship, Colonialism, and Religion in the Netherlands. In L. Medovoi, & E. Bentley (Eds.), Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging (pp. 265-282). Duke University Press.
Balkenhol, M. (2021). Corona, Black Lives Matter, en het universele recht om te ademen. In M. van Oostendorp, & S. Wolff (Eds.), Viraal Nederland: Taal en cultuur van de eerste golf (pp. 94-104). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Balkenhol, M. & van den Hemel, E. (2021). Keyword: Nationalism. In L. Medovoi, & E. Bentley (Eds.), Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging (pp. 139-146). Duke University Press.
Balkenhol, M. (2020). Colonial Heritage and the Sacred: Contesting the Statue of Jan Pieterszoon Coen in the Netherlands. In M. Balkenhol, E. van den Hemel, & I. Stengs (Eds.), The Secular Sacred : Emotions of Belonging and the Perils of Nation and Religion (pp. 195-216). (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Stengs, I. L. Balkenhol, M. & van den Hemel, E. (2020). Emotional Entanglements of Sacrality and Secularity: Engaging the Paradox. In I. Stengs, M. Balkenhol, & E. van den Hemel (Eds.), The Secular Sacred: Emotions of Belonging and the Perils of Nation and Religion (pp. 1-18). (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Balkenhol, M. (2020). Humanisme en paternalisme in de Amsterdamse slavernijdiscussie. In P. Brandon, G. Jones, N. Jouwe, & M. van Rossum (Eds.), De slavernij in Oost en West: het Amsterdam onderzoek Spectrum.
Balkenhol, M. & Modest, W. (2019). Caring for Some and not Others: Museums and the Politics of Care in Post-Colonial Europe. In C. De Cesari, & A. Kaya (Eds.), European Memory in Populism: Representations of Self and Other Routledge.
Balkenhol, M. Llera Blanes, R. & Sarro, R. (2019). Ethnographic Perspectives on the Atlantic: Places, Spirits and Heritage. In Atlantic Perspectives: Places, Spirits and Heritage (pp. 1-16). Berghahn Books Inc..
Balkenhol, M. (2019). Imaging the African Diaspora: Cultural heritage, religion, and belonging in the Netherlands. In Atlantic Perspectives: Places, Spirits and Heritage Berghahn Books Inc..
Balkenhol, M. (2018). Iconic Objects: Making diasporic heritage, blackness, and whiteness in the Netherlands. In B. Meyer, & M. Van de Port (Eds.), Sense and Essence: Heritage and the cultural production of the real Berghahn Books Inc..
Balkenhol, M. (2016). The nativist triangle: Sexuality, race, and religion in discourses on Dutchness. In The culturalization of citizenship: Autochthony and belonging in a globalizing world (pp. 97-112). Palgrave Macmillan.
Balkenhol, M. (2011). Ritueel en ritualisering. In De Rituelenkar
Stengs, I. L. Balkenhol, M. & van den Hemel, E. (Eds.) (2020). The Secular Sacred: Emotions of Belonging and the Perils of Nation and Religion. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series). Palgrave Macmillan.
Balkenhol, M. Llera Blanes, R. & Sarro, R. (Eds.) (2019). Atlantic Perspectives: Places, Spirits and Heritage. Berghahn Books Inc.
Balkenhol, M. (2014). Tracing slavery: An ethnography of diaspora, affect, and cultural heritage in Amsterdam. [PhD thesis, VU University Amsterdam].
M. Balkenhol (2024). Entanglements of colonial heritage and the sacred. The kabra (ancestor) mask in the Netherlands. 28-10-2024.
M. Balkenhol (2022). Postkoloniale geschiedenis en maatschappelijke controverse. 21-11-2022. (weerbare wetenschap)
M. Balkenhol (2022). Whose body? Zwarte Piet as a secular sacred. 02-11-2022. (Sensing the postcolonial migrant body)
M. Balkenhol (2022). Zwarte Piet, an introduction. 02-10-2022. (nias lunch seminar)
M. Balkenhol (2021). Colonial heritage and the sacred. 03-11-2021. (NGG conference Religion and Heritage: Futures for Religious Pasts)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Portraying the African Diaspora: Heritagization and Sacralization in the Netherlands.. 29-11-2017. (Heritage, Religion, Authenticity and Difference )
M. Balkenhol (2017). Race, religion, and sexuality. A material perspective on postcolonial memory politics in the Netherlands.. 24-11-2017. (EASA gender and sexuality network meeting)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Ancestor spectacle. Commemorating slavery in the Netherlands. 19-10-2017. (NGG Lustrum Conference 2017)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Beelden, blackness en gender in Nederland. 24-08-2017. (Historicidagen 2017)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Black Icons. Commemorating Slavery in the Netherlands. 13-07-2017. (council for european studies conference glasgow)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Black Icons. Race and the politics of culture in the Netherlands. 12-07-2017. (council for european studies conference glasgow)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Blackness, Belonging, and Religion. 28-03-2017. (SIEF2017)
M. Balkenhol (2016). Public Interview Gloria Wekker. 19-10-2016. (Public Interview Gloria Wekker)
M. Balkenhol (2015). Council for European Studies Conference. 08-07-2015. (Council for European Studies Conference)
M. Balkenhol (2015). SIEF conference. 21-06-2015. (SIEF conference )
M. Balkenhol (2014). Titel lezing: ‘Moving traditions – on motion and emotion’ UvA Graduate School of Social Sciences.. 05-11-2014. (Moving Traditions: The Story of Zwarte Piet)
M. Balkenhol, W.J.G. Duyvendak, Paul Mepschen (2014). The Nativist Triangle: Religion, race, and sex in the Netherlands. 15-03-2014. (Council for European Studies Conference, 14-16 March, Washington DC)
M. Balkenhol (2014). ‘Polderen’ – Making land, making the nation. 06-02-2014. (The Future of the Commons: Interfaces of Nature and Culture)
M. Balkenhol (2014). National Geography.. 09-01-2014. (Expertmeeting De “Nederlandsheid” van Nederland)
M. Balkenhol (2025). 13th EASA Biennial Conference ‘Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world’, Tallinn, Estonia. 14-03-2025. (13th EASA Biennial Conference ‘Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world’, Tallinn, Estonia)
M. Balkenhol (2013). De codetaal van de angisa. 10-11-2013. (Jeugdacademie, Afrika Museum)
M. Balkenhol (2013). Heritage Dynamics and research as a human right. 06-11-2013. (Symposium with Arjun Appadurai)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Position paper at Symposium, The Everyday. 16-12-2012. (Symposium, The Everyday)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Political frequencies. The past as moral resource in Afro-Surinamese music.. 13-12-2012. (Culturalization of Citizenship Conference, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Fission and Fusion. Nativism, race, and the commemoration of slavery in the Netherlands. 29-08-2012. (IMISCOE Conference, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Politics of Compassion. Race, emotion, and the commemoration of slavery in the Netherlands. 12-06-2012. (Thinking Feelings Symposium, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Fission and Fusion. Nativism, race, and the commemoration of slavery in the Netherlands. 30-05-2012. (Ir/Relevance of Race Seminar, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2012). The cultural memory of slavery. 29-05-2012. (Masterclass, Eric Olin Wright, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2012). Nativism, race, and the commemoration of slavery in the Netherlands. 22-03-2012. (Annual Conference of the Council for European Studies, Boston)
M. Balkenhol (2011). Kulturu, het cultureel geheugen van de slavernij en de ‘afwezigheid’ van de jongeren. 12-11-2011. (IBS lecture)
M. Balkenhol (2011). The naked slave and the leriman. 18-10-2011. (Heritage and History Conference, Bahia, Brazil)
M. Balkenhol (2011). ‘Zwartheid’ en ‘Witheid’ bij de herdenking van de slavernij in Amsterdam Zuidoost. 30-09-2011. (NiNsee Lecture, NiNsee, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2011). Discussion of Nash, 2011. Who are the people?. 03-06-2011. (Conference Technologies of Belonging, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2011). Memory work and slavery in the Netherlands. 08-04-2011. (Research seminar, Berlijn)
M. Balkenhol (2011). PhD thesis outline. 18-03-2011. (PhD seminar, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2011). The changing aesthetics of savagery. 24-02-2011. (De andere blik, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2010). Tracing Traces. The Fabric of Slavery in the Netherlands.. 26-04-2010. (Heritage Dynamics Conference Accra, Accra)
M. Balkenhol (2010). Tracing Traces. The fabric of slavery in the Netherlands. 01-04-2010. (Politics of Belonging. Engaging Citizenship, Community, and the Body. Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2010). Veldwerkrapportage Suriname. 04-01-2010. (vergadering, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2009). The slave past in the present metropole. The dynamics of commemorating slavery in the Netherlands. 20-11-2009. (ASA: Africa at a Crossroads, New Orleans)
M. Balkenhol (2009). Slavery and the negotiation of citizenship. How Afro Dutch deal with debates about autochthony. 05-06-2009. (Third European Conference on African Studies, Leipzig)
M. Balkenhol (2009). Trauma, truth and recognition. Narratives of authenticity and slavery in Dutch memory culture. 16-04-2009. (Sacrosanct Culture. The Authentication of Cultural Form, Amsterdam)
M. Balkenhol (2023). 30 Juni Herdenking Surinameplein. 30-06-2023. (30 Juni Herdenking Surinameplein)
M. Balkenhol (2022). de herdenking van de slavernij. 19-10-2022. (faqta les)
M. Balkenhol (2022). Winti. 08-02-2022. (Studium Generale, Leiden)
M. Balkenhol (2019). Van plantage naar kinderboerderij. De Gliphoeve in Amsterdam Zuidoost. 11-11-2019. (Publiekssymposium De Boerderij)
M. Balkenhol (2017). Beelden. 27-05-2017. (Becoming More)
M. Balkenhol (2016). Book launch ‘White Innocence’, author Gloria Wekker. 27-05-2016. (White Innocence Book Launch)
M. Balkenhol (2015). Zwart in Nederland. 05-12-2015.
M. Balkenhol (2015). Clashing and sharing: emotions in intangible heritage practice. 10-11-2015.
M. Balkenhol (2015). het kabra masker. 15-09-2015. (slavernij in vergelijkend perspectief)
M. Balkenhol (2015). Zwart Beraad: erfenis en actualiteit van een politieke beweging. 18-06-2015. (Zwart Beraad: erfenis en actualiteit van een politieke beweging)
M. Balkenhol (2014). De geheime codetaal van de angisa. 01-10-2014.
M. Balkenhol (2012). Shared History. 30-11-2012.