Hinskens, prof. dr. F.L.M.P. (Frans)
Researcher Variation Linguistics
- frans.hinskens@meertens.knaw.nl
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- 020 4628 510
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Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2022). Representativiteit en blikvernauwing. Neerlandistiek.nl. https://neerlandistiek.nl/2022/12/representativiteit-en-blikvernauwing/
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2022). Variation in R-Pronouns in Moroccan and Turkish Ethnolectal Dutch and What It Tells Us. Languages, 7(4), 259-. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7040259
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Smith, N. (2021). In Memoriam Pieter Muysken. The Linguistic Review, 38(2), 315-319. https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2021-2067
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Grondelaers, S. & van Leeuwen, D. (2021). Sprekend Nederland, a multi-purpose collection of Dutch speech. Linguistics Vanguard, 7(S1). https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2019-0024
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2021). The future of dialects and the dialectology of the future: Some considerations, with special attention to the Dutch language area. Taal en tongval, 72(1), 39-67. https://doi.org/10.5117/TET2020.1.HINS
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. van Hout, R. Muysken, P. C. & van Wijngaarden, R. P. A. (2021). Variation and change in grammatical gender marking: the case of Dutch ethnolects. Linguistics, 59(1), 75-100. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2020-0265
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2020). A Seven-league Strides Sightseeing Trip Through Past and Present of Standard Dutch. Bendrinė kalba = Standard Language, 93(6), 1-30. http://journals.lki.lt/bendrinekalba/article/view/2038
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2020). Profiteren van talige diversiteit in het onderwijs. MeerTaal, 8(1), 21-23.
Heeringa, W. J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2019). The change of Dutch dialects in apparent time. Dialectologia, 2019(8), 65-91. http://www.publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/ejecuta_descarga.asp?codigo=1559
van Meel, L. Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Hout, R. (2019). Variation in a tense/lax vowel pair in Dutch youngsters with different ethnic backgrounds. Taal & Tongval, 70(2), 179-210. https://doi.org/10.5117/TET2018.2.MEEL
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2018). Zwart-wit? Oftewel: onderwijzen door te polariseren? Neerlandistiek. http://www.neerlandistiek.nl/2018/04/zwart-wit-oftewel-onderwijzen-door-te-polariseren/#more-24071
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. van Meel, L. & van Hout, R. (2016). Co-variation and varieties in modern Dutch ethnolects. Lingua, 172-173(March-April 2016), 72-86.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Guy, G. R. (2016). Linguistic coherence: Systems, repertoires and speech communities. Lingua, 172-173(March-April 2016), 1-9.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. van Leeuwen, D. A. Martinovic, B. van Hessen, A. Grondelaers, S. & Orr, R. (2016). Sprekend Nederland: a heterogeneous speech data collection. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 6 (2016), 21-38. http://www.clinjournal.org/sites/clinjournal.org/files/VanLeeuwen2016.pdf
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Heeringa, W. J. (2015). Dialect change and its consequences for the Dutch dialect landscape: How much is due to the standard variety and how much is not? Journal of Linguistic Geography, 3(1), 20-33. https://doi.org/10.1017/jlg.2015.2
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. van Meel, L. & van Hout, R. (2014). Ethnolectal variation in the realization of /z/ by Dutch youngsters. ZDL: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, LXXX (2013)(3), 297.
Bennis, H. J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2014). Goed of fout. Niet-standaard inflectie in het hedendaags Standaardnederlands. Nederlandse Taalkunde, 19(2), 131-184.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Hermans, B. J. H. & van Oostendorp, M. (2014). Grammar or lexicon. Or: Grammar and lexicon? Rule-based and usage-based approaches to phonological variation. Lingua, 142, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2014.01.005
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2014). The Lenition and Deletion of Medial Voiced Obstruents in Afrikaans: Some Internal, External, and Extralinguistic Factors. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 26(3), 248-271. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1470542714000087
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. van Meel, L. & van Hout, R. (2014). Variation in the realization of /εi/ by Dutch youngsters: from local urban dialects to emerging ethnolects? Dialectologia et Geolinguistica, 22(1), 46.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2012). Koineization in the present-day Dutch dialect landscape: postvocalic /r/ and more. Taal en Tongval. Themanummer, (“The Formation of Regiolects in the Low Countries” 2011).
Heeringa, W. J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2012). The Measurement of Dutch Dialect Change: Lexicon versus Morphology versus Sound Components. Taal en Tongval. Themanummer, 2011(“The Formation of Regiolects in the Low Countries”).
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2009). Review article of FAND (Phonological atlas of the dialects of Dutch), Volumes I, II, III and IV. ZDL: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, 76(1), 66-74.
van Dalen-Oskam, K. H. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2007). Kwantitatieve benaderingen in het taal- en letterkundig onderzoek. Een ruwe schets. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 123, 1-21.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Muysken, P. (2007). The talk of the town: languages in Amsterdam 1507-2007. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 37(148), 7-23.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Oostendorp, M. (2006). De palatalisering en velarisering van coronale nasaal-plosief clusters in GTR. Talige, dialectgeografische en onderzoekerseffecten. Taal & Tongval, 58(1), 103-122. http://www.vanoostendorp.nl/pdf/tent07.pdf
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2006). Dialectgrenzen, taalgrenzen en staatsgrenzen. Taal & Tongval, 57(1), 3-25.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Brouwer, L. S. G. B. (2006). Van Abbegeasterkeatting naar Zansterpijpje. -ster in noordelijke aardrijkskundige namen. Taal en Tongval. Themanummer, (19: Het morfologische landschap van het Nederlands), 71-95.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2005). bespreking van “Waar gaat het Nederlands naartoe? Panorama van een taal” door Jan Stroop samenst.). Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 121(3), 299-301.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & den Besten, H. (2005). Diversificatie van het Nederlands door taalcontact. Nederlandse Taalkunde, 10(3/4), 283-309.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van de Weijer, J. (2003). Patterns of segmental modification in consonant inventories: a cross-linguistic study. Linguistics, 41(6), 1041-1084. https://doi.org/10.1515/ling.2003.034
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2002). André Jolles. Van vagant tot ontheemde. Nachbarsprache Niederländisch, 17(1-2), 66-82. http://www.meertens.nl/medewerkers/frans.hinskens/jolles.pdf
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2002). review article of R. Vandekerckhove, “Structurele en sociale aspecten van dialectverandering”, Gent (KANTL). Leuvense Bijdragen: tijdschrift voor Germaanse filologie, 91, 247-256.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2021). Review of: Suzanne Aalberse, Ad Backus & Pieter Muysken, 2019. Heritage languages: a language contact approach. Nederlandse Taalkunde, 26(1), 138-142. https://doi.org/10.5117/NEDTAA2021.1.007.HINS
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2017). Review of: Marie-Hélène Côté, Remco Knooihuizen, and John Nerbonne (eds.). 2016. The Future of Dialects: Selected Papers from Methods in Dialectology XV. Vol. 1. Berlin: Language Science Press. Language Dynamics and Change, 7(2).
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Ooijevaar, E. S. M. (2024). Social patterns in s-palatalisation in Moroccan and Turkish ethnolectal Dutch: One half of a sociolinguistic study. In M. Vida-Castro, & A. M. Ávila-Muñoz (Eds.), he Continuity of Linguistic Change: Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda. (pp. 56-78). John Benjamins Publishing.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Bennis, H. J. (2022). Coherent patterns in nonstandard inflection in modern colloquial Standard Dutch? In K. Beaman, & G. Guy (Eds.), The Coherence of Linguistic Communities: Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning (pp. 221-238). Routledge.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2022). Kan en dan zonder -n? In M. van Oostendorp, & S. Wolff (Eds.), Het dialectendoeboek: De schatkamer van 90 jaar Meertens Instituut (pp. 75-79). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Mourigh, K. & Muysken, P. (2022). The Netherlands: Urban contact dialects. In P. Kerswill, & H. Wiese (Eds.), Urban Contact Dialects and Language Change: Insights from the Global North and South (pp. 223-245). Routledge.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2021). The Expanding Universe of the Study of Sound Change. In R. D. Janda, B. D. Joseph, & B. S. Vance (Eds.), The Handbook of Historical Linguistics (Vol. vol. II, pp. 7-46). Article 02 Wiley-Blackwell.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2021). “Wat is er gebeurd sinds luiden loeden luidde? En waardoor?”. In N. van der Sijs, L. Fonteyn, & M. van der Meulen (Eds.), Wat gebeurt er in het Nederlands? : Over taal, frequentie en variatie (pp. 23-29). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Smith, N. (2020). Pottefers Cant, Groenstraat Bargoens, and the development of “have” and ‘be” in the wider context of contact. In N. Smith, T. Veenstra, & E. Alode Aboh (Eds.), Advances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken (pp. 283-337). (Contact Language Library ; Vol. 57). John Benjamins Publishing.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2020). Surviving Limburg and Hollandic dialect features and what they have in common. In M. Cerruti, & S. Tsiplakou (Eds.), Intermediate Language Varieties: Koinai and regional standards in Europe (pp. 55-78). (Studies in Language Variation; Vol. 24). John Benjamins Publishing.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2019). Of clocks, clouds and sound change. In A. Villena-Ponsoda, F. Díaz-Montesinos, A.-M. Ávila-Muñoz, & M. Vida-Castro (Eds.), Language Variation – European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017 (pp. 28-51). (Studies in Language Variation; Vol. 22). John Benjamins Publishing.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Van Oostendorp, M. (2018). Een ongermaans stukje Afrikaanse fonologie: de tonische sjwa. In Woorden om te bewaren – Huldeboek voor Jacques Van Keymeulen (pp. 583-592). Skribis.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2018). Mislukte poging tot uniformering Standaardnederlands. In L. Heerma van Voss (Ed.), Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (pp. 683-688). Ambo|Anthos.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2017). Dialectology and formal linguistic theory: the blind man and the lame. In C. Boberg, J. Nerbonne, & D. Watt (Eds.), The Handbook of Dialectology (1st ed. pp. 88-105). Wiley-Blackwell.
Heeringa, W. J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2014). Convergence between dialect varieties and dialect groups in the Dutch language area. In B. Szmrecsanyi, & B. Wälchli (Eds.), Aggregating dialectology, typology, and register analysis; linguistic variation in text and speech (pp. 26-52). (Linguae & Litterae). de Gruyter.
Hermans, B. J. H. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2014). De Rijnlandse waaier in Nederland. In N. van der Sijs (Ed.), De Kaartenbank: Over taal en cultuur (pp. 63-69). Amsterdam University Press.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2014). Despite or because of intensive contact? Internal, external and extralinguistic aspects of divergence in modern dialects and ethnolects of Dutch. In K. Braunmüller, S. Höder, & K. Kühl (Eds.), Stability and Divergence in Language Contact: Factors and Mechanisms (Vol. 16, pp. 109-140). (Studies in Language Variation). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2013). Four decades of study of synchronic variation in varieties of Dutch. A sketch. In J. Duarte, & I. Gogolon (Eds.), Linguistic superdiversity in urban areas. Research approaches (pp. 227-252). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Taeldeman, J. (2013). Introduction to the volume. In F. L. M. P. Hinskens, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume 3: Dutch (pp. 1-12). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Hout, R. W. N. M. (2013). Language and space in Dutch: Recent developments and new research. In F. L. M. P. Hinskens, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume 3: Dutch (pp. 35-60). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Oostendorp, M. (2013). Language and space in Dutch: Wishes for the future. In F. L. M. P. Hinskens, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume 3: Dutch (pp. 60-80). De Gruyter Mouton.
Taeldeman, J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2013). The classification of the dialects of Dutch. In F. L. M. P. Hinskens, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume 3: Dutch (pp. 129-142). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Taeldeman, J. (2013). Unravelling the complexities of variation and change in and beyond the present-day dialects of Dutch: Finding one’s way through the woods. In F. L. M. P. Hinskens, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume 3: Dutch (pp. 142-150). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Goeman, A. C. M. (2013). Veertig jaar synchroon onderzoek van taalvariatie en taalverandering in het Nederlandse taalgebied. In Neerlandistiek in beeld – Theo Janssen & Ton van Strien (eds) (Vol. 72, pp. 231-240). (Uitgaven Stichting Neerlandistiek VU). Stichting Neerlandistiek VU / Nodus Publikationen.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2012). Liquids in a case of unfolding early L1 Dutch: from null realizaton through free variation through probabilistically bound variation to lexical contrast. In B. Botma, & R. Noske (Eds.), Phonological explorations. Empirical, theoretical and diachronic issues (pp. 313-331). (Linguistische Arbeiten). De Gruyter Mouton.
Heeringa, W. J. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2012). The measurement of Dutch dialect change in the sound components. In S. Hansen, C. Schwarz, P. Stoeckle, & T. Streck (Eds.), Dialectological and folk dialectological concepts of space (pp. 250-267, 297-299). de Gruyter.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2011). Emerging Moroccan and Turkish varieties of Dutch: ethnolects or ethnic styles? In F. Kern, & M. Selting (Eds.), Ethnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas (Vol. 8, pp. 103-131). (SiLV). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2011). Lexicon, phonology and phonetics. Or: Rule-based and usage-based approaches to phonological variation. In P. Siemund (Ed.), Linguistic Universals and Language Variation (Vol. 231, pp. 416-456). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hermans, B. J. H. & Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2010). The phonological representation of the Limburg tonal accents. In J. E. Schmidt, & E. Glaser (Eds.), Proceedings of the IGGD 2009, Zuerich. (pp. 101-117). Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Oostendorp, M. (2009). “Sources of phonological variation in a large database for Dutch dialects”. In S. Tsiplakou, M. Karyolemou, & P. Pavlou (Eds.), Language Variation – European Perspectives II. Selected papers from the Fourth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), Nicosia, June 2007 (Vol. 5, pp. 103-118). (Studies in Language Variation). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2009). “The erosion of a variable process. The case of n-deletion in Ripuarian and Limburg dialects of Dutch”. In F. Kügler, C. Féry, & R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Variation and Gradience in Phonetics and Phonology (Vol. 14, pp. 311-350). (Phonology and Phonetics). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2009). “Zuid-Afrika en het Afrikaans. Inleidende notities over geschiedenis, taal en letterkunde”. In H. den Besten, F. Hinskens, & J. Koch (Eds.), Afrikaans. Een drieluik (Vol. 58, pp. 9-33). (Uitgaven Stichting Neerlandistiek VU). Stichting Neerlandistiek VU / Nodus Publikationen.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2007). New Types of non-standard Dutch. In C. Fandrych, & R. Salverda (Eds.), Standard, Variation and Language Change in Germanic Languages (pp. 281-300). IDS & Narr, Francke, Attempto.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2007). Sandhi voicing and opacity in Limburg dialects of Dutch. Towards a formal account. In S. Döring, & W. Geilfuss-Wolfgang (Eds.), Von der Pragmatik zur Grammatik (pp. 75-85). Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2006). Twenty-five authors on twelve languages, sixteen language varieties, and eighteen hundred and eighty-eight speakers. In F. Hinskens (Ed.), Language Variation. European Perspectives. Selected papers from the Third International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 3), Amsterdam, June 2005. (Vol. 1, pp. 1-7). Benjamins. http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_bookview.cgi?bookid=SILV%201
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2005). Regressieve stemassimilatie en opaciteit in Limburgse dialecten. In R. van Hout, & J. Swanenberg (Eds.), Geluid waar spraak uit ontstond. Kru(i/ij)sen door de dialecten. Vriendenboek voor Joep Kruijsen (pp. 71-75). Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Auer, P. (2005). The role of interpersonal accommodation in a theory of language change. In P. Auer, F. Hinskens, & P. Kerswill (Eds.), Dialect change. The convergence and divergence of dialects in contemporary societies (Vol. 13 978-0-521-80687-9, pp. 335-357). Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521806879
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Auer, P. & Kerswill, P. (2005). The study of dialect convergence and divergence: conceptual and methodological considerations. In P. Auer, F. Hinskens, & P. Kerswill (Eds.), Dialect change. The convergence and divergence of dialects in contemporary societies (pp. 1-48). Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521806879
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Oostendorp, M. (2004). Coronale nasaal-plosief clusters in de Nederlandse dialecten. Een verkenning. In J. de Caluwe, M. DeVos, & J. van Keymeulen (Eds.), Schatbewaarder van de taal. Liber amicorum Johan Taeldeman (pp. 519-545). Academia Press.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van de Weijer, J. (2004). On segmental complexity. Affricates and patterns of segmental modification in consonant inventories. In L. Cornips, & J. Doetjes (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004 (pp. 217-228). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2003). Methods for the study of post-apartheid Afrikaans language shift. In K. Bochmann, P. Nelde, & W. Wölck (Eds.), Methodology of Conflict Linguistics. Methodologie der Konfliktlinguistik. Méthodologie de la Linguistique de Conflit (Vol. XXIV, pp. 61-70). St. Augustin. http://www.meertens.nl/medewerkers/frans.hinskens/post_apartheid_afrikaans.pdf
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van de Weijer, J. (2003). Patterns of segmental modification in consonant inventories: contrastive vs. redundant systems and phonology vs. phonetics. In L. Cornips, & P. Fikkert (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003 (pp. 71-81). Benjamins.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2019). Ethnolects: Where language contact, language acquisition and dialect variation meet. In I. Kappa, & M. Tzakosta (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Ιnternational Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (pp. 1-27). University of Patras.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. (2019). Of clocks, clouds and sound change. In PICGL5: 5th Patras International Conference of Graduate students in Linguistics https://picgl5.wixsite.com/picgl5/proceedings-praktika
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Guy, G. R. (Eds.) (2016). Coherence, covariation and bricolage: Various approaches to the systematicity of language variation. Lingua, 172-173(March-April 2016), 1-146.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Hermans, B. J. H. & van Oostendorp, M. (Eds.) (2014). Usage-based and Rule-based Approaches to Phonological Variation. Lingua, 142, 1-84.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & Taeldeman, J. (Eds.) (2013). Language and space: Dutch. (Language and Space / HSK). De Gruyter Mouton.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. den Besten, H. & Koch, J. (Eds.) (2009). Afrikaans. Een drieluik. (Uitgaven Stichting Neerlandistiek VU). Stichting Neerlandistiek VU / Nodus Publikationen.
van Dalen-Oskam, K. H. Hinskens, F. L. M. P. & van Kalmthout, A. B. G. M. (Eds.) (2007). Kwantitatieve benaderingen in de taal- en letterkunde. (Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde). Verloren.
Hinskens, F. L. M. P. Auer, P. & Kerswill, P. (Eds.) (2005). Dialect change: The convergence and divergence of dialects in contemporary societies. Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521806879
W.J. Heeringa, F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2022). Dialect perception versus dialect production: how are they related?. 01-08-2022. (Methods XVII)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Benito Trollip, W.J. Heeringa (2021). The linking elements in Afrikaans compounds: experimentally testing a new proposal. 30-09-2021. (Afrikaans Grammar Workshop 3)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2021). Reconsidering the principles guiding language policy in the domain of primary and secondary education – the case of Dutch in the Netherlands and Flanders. 03-09-2021. (Crossroads of Languages and Cultures Conference 6)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2020). Een varifocale kijk op taalvariatie en taalcontact. 14-02-2020.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Norval Smith (2019). Pottefers Cant, Groenstraat Bargoens, and the development of ‘have’ and ‘be’ in the wider context of contact. 06-12-2019. (Language Contact Symposium in honour of Pieter Muysken)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2019). A seven-league boots seightseeing tour through past and present of Standard Dutch. With special attention for the ever changing norms. 03-10-2019. (Linguistic Diversity in the Modern World)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Kathy Rys (2019). Staat van het Nederlands 2018.Over de taalkeuzes van Surinamers in het dagelijks leven en meer over die van Nederlanders en Vlamingen. 16-09-2019.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Peter Gilles (2019). Two processes of word-final n-deletion in Central Franconian dialects, their distribution, their conditioning and what keeps them together, underground and at the surface. 27-06-2019. (ICLaVE 10)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2019). Do grammar and lexical frequencies meet?. 26-06-2019. (ICLaVE 10)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Cefas van Rossem (2019). Return to sender: the development of a polyvalent VIDC pronoun from the 18th until the 20th century. 17-06-2019. (19th Annual Conference of the Association of Portuguese and Spanish-lexified Creoles & Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Johan De Caluwe (2019). The State of Dutch 2016–2018 – … A language survey for Dutch in the Netherlands, Belgium and Suriname. 22-05-2019. (International Conference on Minority Languages XVII)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2018). De toekomst van de dialecten en de dialectologie van de toekomst. 07-12-2018. (Taal & Tongval Colloquium ‘Dialectologie zonder dialecten’)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, M. van Oostendorp (2018). Afrikaans tonic schwa. Many questions, few answers. 05-10-2018. (Afrikaans Grammar Workshop 2)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Lucie de Ridder-Scherpenisse (2018). Jan Stroop en de vrouwen. 28-09-2018. (Symposium ter gelegenheid van de 80e verjaardag van taalkundige Jan Stroop)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Peter Gilles (2018). The structure and diachronic development of n-deletion in Central Franconian varieties. 30-08-2018. (51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, W.J. Heeringa (2018). Common Developments of Japanese and Dutch Dialectology: Computational dialectology in the Netherlands. 27-07-2018. (IXth Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics)
W.J. Heeringa, F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2018). The change of Dutch dialect areas in apparent time. 27-07-2018. (9th Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics)
W.J. Heeringa, F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2018). Explaining Dutch dialect change. 24-07-2018. (9th Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, W.J. Heeringa (2018). Explaining Dutch dialect change. 24-07-2018. (IXth Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2018). Dialectology and the study of language variation. Quo vadis?. 23-07-2018. (IXth Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2018). Mapping the expanding universe of the study of sound change. Towards an integrated theory. 29-05-2018. (5th Patras International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics. Patras)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, David A. van Leeuwen (2018). Sprekend Nederland, a recent multi-purpose collection of Dutch speech. 04-04-2018. (Lorentz workshop ‘Citizen Science Lab – Sampling Language and Culture’)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Peter Gilles (2018). Distribution and diachrony of word-final n-deletion in Central Franconian dialects of Dutch, German and Luxembourgish. 03-02-2018. (AVT/ANELA Grote Taaldag)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Peter Gilles (2017). Die Struktur und die mutmassliche diachronische Entfaltung der n-Tilgung in den Mittelfränkischen Sprachvarietäten. 29-09-2017. (Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Norval Smith (2017). Two former Dutch cryptolects, and their deep grammatical relationship with similar replacive languages and Sinti Romani. 28-09-2017. (Mixed Languages Colloquium)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Peter Gilles (2017). Variable and not-so-variable word-final n-deletion in Central Franconian. What binds and differentiates the members of an old dialect group, now spread out over five countries and as many sociolinguistic regimes, and how it may contribute to our understanding of the diachrony of sound change. 30-06-2017. (Workshop for Ben Hermans at the occasion of his retirement)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2017). Mapping the expanding universe of the study of sound change. Towards an integrated theory. 07-06-2017. (iclave 9, Malaga)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2017). Het onderzoek van taalvariatie, nu en straks. 23-05-2017. (Afscheidssymposium Pieter Muysken, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Kathy Rys (2017). De Staat van het Nederlands. Over de taalkeuzes van Nederlanders en Vlamingen in het dagelijks leven.. 21-03-2017. (T-lezing, Meertens Instituut)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2017). Ethnolects. Where language contact, language acquisition and dialect variation meet. 16-03-2017.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Eva Smidt (2017). Introducing Sprekend Nederland, a recent multi-purpose collection of Dutch speech. 04-02-2017. (Linguistics in The Netherlands, Meeting of the Dutch Linguistic Society, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, R. van Hout (2016). Variation in grammatical gender marking in Turkish and Moroccan Dutch ethnolects. Findings from the roots of Ethnolects project. 05-11-2016. (New Ways of Analyzing Variation 45 November 3–6, 2016 Vancouver BC Canada)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2016). Ethnolects. Where language contact, language acquisition and language variation meet. 08-10-2016. (7th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory 6-8/10/2016 Rethymno, Crete, Greece)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2016). The Afrikaans reduction of medial voiced obstruents: determinants, rule typology and origin. 25-08-2016. (Afrikaans Grammar Workshop 25-26/08/2016, Johannesburg, South Africa)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2016). Surviving Limburg and Hollandic dialect features. Local apparent time and regional real time patterns (contribution to colloquium on ‘Koines and regional standard varieties. How does the selection of features come about?’). 15-06-2016. (Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, 15-18/06/2016, Murcia, Spain)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Stefan Grondelaers, P. Muysken (2016). Perspectives on ethnolect research. 20-04-2016.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, P. Muysken (2016). Ethnolects. Scholarship, some essentials of the Roots project and a few findings. 14-03-2016. (International workshop on New developments in the study of migration and ethnolectal variation)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, R. van Hout (2016). Morphosyntactic variation in the Roots of Ethnolects data, with a focus on grammatical gender. 14-03-2016. (International workshop on New developments in the study of migration and ethnolectal variation)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Reinhild Vandekerckhove (2015). Partly undressed and halfway frozen? Stability and coherence in koines and regional standard varieties of Dutch. 28-05-2015. (Koines and regional standard varieties. How stable and coherent can they become? Workshop held at ICLaVE 8 Conference)
E. S. M. Ooijevaar, F.L.M.P. Hinskens, B.J.H. Hermans (2015). Levenscyclus van Liquidae. 20-03-2015. (Bezoek nieuwe KNAW president J. van Dijck en algemeen directeur M. Zaanen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, R. van Hout, P. Muysken (2015). Moroccan Dutch and Turkish Dutch ethnolects: aspects of variation in grammatical gender marking. 07-02-2015. (TIN-dag / Linguistics in the Netherlands conference, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Wilbert Heeringa (2014). Visualizing dialect change as such; factoring out the role of the standard language. 13-08-2014. (Methods in Dialectology 15, Groningen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Language and Space: Dutch. Een eerste indruk. 18-12-2013. (Vlaamse presentatie Language and Space: Dutch, Gent)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Language and Space: Dutch. Een eerste indruk. 13-12-2013. (Nederlandse presentatie Language and Space: Dutch, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Modern Moroccan and Turkish ethnolects of Dutch: phonetic and grammatical aspects. 26-08-2013. (Workshop Creoles and beyond, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Dutch stress assignment in Biblical names: general patterns and sociolinguistic variation in a large-scale web survey. 25-07-2013. (workshop “Word stress: dialectal variation and perception” in International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Genève)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). General patterns and sociolinguistic variation in Dutch stress assignment. First findings from a. 28-06-2013. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 7), Trondheim)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Variation in the realization of /Ei/ by Dutch youngsters: dialects and ethnolects?. 28-06-2013. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 7), Trondheim)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). General patterns and sociolinguistic variation in Dutch stress assignment. First findings from a recent large-scale web survey. 09-02-2013. (TIN-dag / Linguistics in the Netherlands conference, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). The historical lenition and deletion of intervocalic / intersonorant voiced obstruents in Afrikaans. 23-11-2012. (workshop Towards a social typology of language contact and genesis in the (post-) colonial context using the example of overseas Dutch-based varieties, VU / UL Brussel)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). Visualizing dialect change as such; factoring out the role of the standard language. 07-09-2012. (Conference Advances in visual methods for linguistics, York (UK))
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). Co-variation and varieties in Dutch Ethnolects. 24-08-2012. (Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, Berlijn)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). De historische verzwakking en deletie van intervocalische / intersonorantische stemhebbende obstruenten in het Afrikaans. 03-07-2012. (Seminarie Afrikaans, Universiteit Gent (B))
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). The life cycle of sound change. Interconnecting three approaches. 27-06-2012. (lecture Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) / Universität Freiburg, Freiburg i.Br.)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). Ethnolectal variation: the cases of Dutch Jews and Jewish Dutch and (r) in Philadelphia. 21-11-2011. (MA-course Languages and society: variation and diversity, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). Convergence between dialect varieties and dialect groups in the Dutch dialect area. Structural aspects.. 10-11-2011. (T-/A-lezing, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). Despite or because of intensive contact? Internal and external aspects of divergence in modern dialects and ethnolects of Dutch. 04-11-2011. (Internat’l Workshop on “Stability and divergence in language contact”, organised by the SFB / Research Centre on Multilingualism, Hamburg)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). Patterns of variation in Dutch ethnolects: linguistic, stylistic and social factors in the realization. 30-10-2011. (New Ways of Analyzing Variation 40 (NWAVE40), Georgetown University, Washington DC, VS)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). “Non-standard inflection in spoken standard Dutch. First findings from a large web-based questionnaire”. 01-07-2011. (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 6), Freiburg i.Br. (D))
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2011). Four decades of study of synchronic variation in varieties of Dutch. A sketch. 24-01-2011. (Workshop “LiMA meets Holland: relevant research from the Dutch speaking space”, Hamburg)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2010). “De rol van moedertaalsprekers en experts bij het bepalen van de herkomst van een spreker”. 06-12-2010. (T-lezing, Variatielinguistiek, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2010). “Investigating emerging ethnolects of Dutch. Methods and first findings”. 22-09-2010. (department talk / guest lecture, Universidad de Malaga)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2010). “Koineisation in the present-day Dutch dialect landscape. Questions, findings and more questions”. 20-09-2010. (department talk / guest lecture, Universidad de Granada)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2010). “Recognition of country and dialect group from dialect stimuli and the effects of native speakerness and expertise. A preliminary study”. 18-06-2010. (Workshop Meertens meets Somali, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2009). “Koineisation in the present-day Dutch dialect landscape. Questions, findings and more questions”. 20-11-2009. (Taal & Tongval colloquium on Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the formation of regiolects, Gent (B))
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2009). “De historische verzwakking en deletie van intervocalische / intersonorantische stemhebbende obstruenten in het Afrikaans”. 19-08-2009. (Internationaal symposium Standaardtalen in beweging; Standaardisatie en destandaardisatie in Nederlands en Afrikaans, Leiden)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2009). “Lexically diffuse sound change. The sociophonology of the undead”. 11-08-2009. (The XIXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL XIX), Nijmegen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2009). “Lexically diffuse sound change. The sociophonology of the undead”. 26-06-2009. (Fifth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 5), Kopenhagen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2007). Investigating emerging ethnolects of Dutch: methods and first findings. 11-09-2007. (UK Language Variation and Change conference (UKLVC6), Lancaster, UK)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2007). Studying emerging ethnolects of Dutch: Questions, methods and first findings. 09-07-2007. (10th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel “A European perspective on ethnic styles of speaking, Gothenborg, Zweden)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2007). Kwantitatieve benaderingen in het taal- en letterkundig onderzoek. Een ruwe inleidende schets. 28-06-2007. (Kwantitatieve benaderingen in het taal- en letterkundige onderzoek en elders in de geesteswetenschap, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2007). Sources of phonological variation in a large database for Dutch dialects. 19-06-2007. (4th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 4), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2007). Segmental inventories and T-orders: Evidence from Dutch dialects. 11-04-2007. (GLOW XXX workshop on Segment Inventories, CASTL, University of Tromsö, Tromsö, Noorwegen)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2006). Modelling phonological variation in a mega-database for Dutch dialects. 11-11-2006. (New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 35, Columbus, Ohio, VS)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2006). Het modelleren van fonologische variatie in de GTR-database. 07-11-2006. (Theelezingen Onderzoeksgroep Variatielinguïstiek, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2006). What Limburg centralizing diphthongs may tell us. 21-09-2006. (2. Internationaler Kongress für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Internationale Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), Wenen, Oostenrijk)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2006). New types of non-standard Dutch. 24-03-2006. (Standard, Variation and Language Contact in the Germanic Languages, University College London & King’s College London, Londen, Engeland)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2005). Subtractive pluralization in Limburg dialects of Dutch?. 08-12-2005. (Lezingenreeks taalkunde onderzoekszwaartepunt “The architecture of the human language faculty”, VU, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2004). Nieuwe regenboogkleuren. Jonge typen niet-standaardtaal en hun taalkundig belang. 24-09-2004. (Rede bij de openbare aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Taalvariatie en -verandering, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2004). Deleted consonants and morphological complexity in Limburg dialects of Dutch. 22-05-2004. (The 12th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, Engeland)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2004). Segmental markedness and complexity. A cross-linguistic study of consonantal inventories. 18-04-2004. (GLOW 27, Thessaloniki, Griekenland)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2004). /nt/, /nd/ en thee. 06-04-2004. (Meertens Variatielinguïstiek Theelezing, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2004). Patterns of segmental complexity in consonantal inventories. 07-02-2004. (TIN-dag, Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). Segmental modification. Distribution, status and economy. 11-09-2003. (Staff seminar linguistics, Taalkunde (Staff seminar Grammatical Models Group, CLS), Universiteit Tilburg, Tilburg)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). Local dependence between dialect features; a blind angle in variation studies. 12-06-2003. (ICLaVE 2, Uppsala, Zweden)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). Dialectgrenzen, taalgrenzen en staatsgrenzen. 16-05-2003. (Symposium ‘Sprache an der Grenze’, KU Nijmegen & Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Venlo)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). Segmental modification. Distribution, status and economy. 06-05-2003. (Departament de Filologia Catalana, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spanje)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). Patterns of segmental modification in consonantal inventories; contrastive vs redundant systems and phonology vs phonetics. 01-02-2003. (TIN-dag, TIN-dag, Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2003). n-Tilgung in ripuarischen Dialekten des Niederländischen. Interne und externe Konditionierung, phonologische und soziolinguistische Aspekte. 24-01-2003. (Linguistisches Kolloquium, Deutscher Sprachatlas en Institut für germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Philips-Universität, Marburg, Duitsland)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2002). Ubach over Worms. Bouwstenen voor de sociolinguïstische biografie van een dorpsgemeenschap die er nooit één geweest is. 19-12-2002. (Meertens lezing, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2002). Patterns of segmental modification in consonant inventories: contrastive vs. redundant systems. 06-09-2002. (Linguistics and phonetics 2002 (LP 2002), Meikai University, Urayasu, Japan)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2002). Deletieprocessen in lecten en dochtertalen van het Nederlands. 17-05-2002. (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, Kevin de Coninck, Johan De Caluwe, Sita Doerga Misier (2021). Staat van het Nederlands 2021. 12-10-2021. (Publiekspresentatie ‘Staat van het Nederlands 2021’)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2020). Staat van het Nederlands 2018. Over de taalkeuzes van Surinamers in het dagelijks leven en meer over die van Nederlanders en Vlamingen – II. 27-10-2020.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2020). Staat van het Nederlands 2018. Over de taalkeuzes van Surinamers in het dagelijks leven en meer over die van Nederlanders en Vlamingen – I. 09-09-2020.
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2019). Koetjes, kalfjes en andere diertjes in Ripuarie. 11-11-2019. (Publiekssymposium De Boerderij)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2019). Staat van het Nederlands 2018. Over de taalkeuzes van Surinamers in het dagelijks leven en meer over die van Nederlanders en Vlamingen. 25-10-2019. (Drongo Talenfestival 2019)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens, E. S. M. Ooijevaar, B.J.H. Hermans (2015). presentatie deel Leven der Liquidae project. 25-09-2015. (Drongo talenfestival)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2013). Jeugdtaal en etnolectische variatie. 26-11-2013. (tweejaarlijkse studiedag CITO, Arnhem)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). Klemtoonvariatie in bijbelse namen – hoe, waarom en wie (publiekslezing). 17-11-2012. (Informatiemiddag over het onderzoek naar de klemtoon in Nederlandse bijbelse namen – ten behoeve van de deelnemers aan de enquête, Utrecht)
F.L.M.P. Hinskens (2012). presentatie van het a.s. Leven der Liquidaeproject voor bezoekende studenten. 15-03-2012. (lezingenmiddag voor de studenten, Amsterdam, Meertens Instituut (KNAW))