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Postma, dr. G.J. (Gertjan)

Researcher Variation Linguistics

020 4628 568

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Postma, G.J. “Possessor truncation in kinship terms in Dutch dialects”. Taal & Tongval. 2017, 159-194.
Schaffel bremenkamp, Elizana et al. “Zeeuws-Flemish in Brazil: multilingualism and language decay”. Gragoatá. 2017, 435-472.



Postma, G.J. D. Van Olmen and E. Coussé. “Discussie: “Imperatieven””. Nederlandse Taalkunde. 2013, 18(3). 288-303.
Postma, G.J. “Forumlezingen in imperatieven: lexicale constructies of productieve syntaxis?”. Nederlandse Taalkunde. 2013, 18(3). 267-287.


Postma, G.J. “Review Studies in West Frisian Syntax (Germen de Haan)”. Us Wurk. Tydskrift foar frisistyk. 2012, 61. 176-180.



Postma, G.J. “De Oudsaksische doopbelofte in het licht van de historische syntaxis”. Nederlandse Taalkunde. 2010, 15(1). 88-94.


Postma, G.J. and P. van Reenen. “De wisselwerking tussen spontane palatalisatie, umlaut en genus”. Taal en Tongval. Themanummer. 2009, 18. 109-152.



Postma, G.J. “IV2 in het Middeldrents en de Subjunctief”. Taal & Tongval. 2006, 57(1). 126-166.
Postma, G.J. “Uitwendige syntaxis van voegwoordvervoeging en werkwoordelijke inversievormen”. Taal en Tongval. Themanummer. 2006, 19(Het morfologisch landschap van het Nederlands). 135-152.
Postma, G.J. and H.J. Bennis. “Variatie in negatie: het gedrag van het negatieve cliticum in het Middeldrents van rond 1400”. Taal & Tongval. 2006, 58(1). 148-167.


Postma, G.J. “INFINITIVALE V2 IN HET MIDDELDRENTS EN DE SUBJUNCTIEF”. Taal & Tongval. 2005, 57(2). 126-166.


Postma, G.J. et al. “Vlinderverzamelaars en systeembouwers”. NRC Handelsblad. 2010.


Postma, G.J. and M. van Oostendorp. “De krant kunnen lezen in Noors, Spaans, of Fries”. NRC Next. 2008.
van Oostendorp, M. and G.J. Postma. “Povi legi la gazaton norvege, hispane au frise”. Liberaj Folioj. 2008.


Postma, G.J. “Limburgse invloed in Holland?”. and van Oostendorp, Marc Wolff, Simone (ed.). Het dialectendoeboek: De schatkamer van 90 jaar Meertens Instituut. Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese. 2022, 121-126.


Postma, G.J. “Kratzer’s effect in the nominal domain: Fake indexicals in Dutch and German”. Reckman, Hilke and Cheng, Lisa Hijzelendoorn, Maarten Rint Sybesma (ed.). Crossroads Semantics: Computation, experiment and grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. 2017, 125-137.


Postma, G.J. “The rise and fall of the passive auxiliary weorðan and strict Verb-Second in the history of English”. and Los, Bettelou de Haan, Pieter (ed.). Proceedings of the Workshop on V2-Languages: A Festschrift for Ans van Kemenade. Benjamins. 2015.


Postma, G.J. “Clause-typing by [2] – the loss of the 2nd person pronoun du ‘you’ in Dutch, Frisian and Limburgian dialects”. Camacho-Taboada, Victoria (editors). Information Structure and Agreement. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2013, 217-254.


Postma, G.J. “Language Contact and Linguistic Complexity – The Rise of the Reflexive Pronoun zich in a 15th Century Netherlands’ Border Dialect.”. and Jonas, Dianne Whitman, John (ed.). Grammatical Change – Origins, Nature, Outcomes.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2011, 139-159.


Postma, G.J. “The impact of failed changes”. Lucas, C and Watts, S Breitbarth, A Willis, D (ed.). Continuity and Change in Grammar. Benjamins. 2010, 269-302.


Bennis, H.J. and G.J. Postma “Johannes Gijsbert Kooij”. Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden 2007-2008. Leiden. 2009, 101-107.


Postma, G.J. “Toward a Syntactic Theory of Number Neutralisation ? the Dutch pronouns je “you” and ze “them””. and M Hartmann, J. Molnarfi, L. (ed.). Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2006, 181-200.


Postma, G.J. “Loss of laten-support in embedded infinitivals in fifteenth-century Low Saxon”. and Martins, Ana Maria Cardoso, Adriana (ed.). Word Order Change. Oxford University Press. 2018.


Postma, G.J. “Der Verlust des Infinitivpräfix tau ‚zu‘ im Brasilianischen Pommersch: Akkomodation an das Portugiesische oder Dialektkonvergenz?”. Lenz, Alexandra (editors). German Abroad: Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung. 2015.
Postma, G.J. “Modeling Transient States in Language Change”. and Truswell, Robert Mattieu, Eric (ed.). From Micro-change to Macro-change: Proceedings of DIGS 15. Oxford University Press. 2015.


Postma, G.J. A Contrastive Grammar of Brazilian Pomeranian Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today. John Benjamins Publishing. 2019.


G.J. Postma (2015). Zero Morphemes: Systematic Catalexis or Historical Apocope?. 11-12-2015. (Phonological Theory Agora Meeting 2)
G.J. Postma (2015). Two infinitives in Frisian and Pomeranian – consequences for formal grammar. 23-10-2015. (Dag van de Friese Taalkunde)
G.J. Postma (2015). Numerals in Dutch Paucal Constructions. 03-09-2015. (SLE-Workshop on the Syntax & Semantics of Numerals)
E. S. M. Ooijevaar, G.J. Postma (2015). Geminate onsets in Dutch interjections: VOT normalisation and the gemination factor. 12-08-2015. (GemCon 2015 (satellite workshop at ICPhS XVIII))
G.J. Postma (2015). Dark Matter in Natural Language – Systematic Catalexis in Brazilian Pomeranian. 31-07-2015. (Workshop on Diachrony and Modern Parametric Syntax)
G.J. Postma (2015). Loss of the diminutive in Brazilian Pomeranian. 27-06-2015. (Workshop on Language Islands)
E. S. M. Ooijevaar, G.J. Postma (2015). Geminate onsets in Dutch interjections – consequences for syntax and phonology. 30-05-2015. (Manchester Phonology Meeting (MFM 23) 2015)
G.J. Postma (2015). Brazilian Zeeuws: A sociolinguistic study on the role of bilingualism in language death. 16-01-2015. (Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World)


G.J. Postma (2014). DO support and the -ed morpheme in English and Brazilian Pomeranian
. 27-09-2014. (Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 29, York)
G.J. Postma (2014). A Pomeranian Language Island in Brazil
 – Generalized T-to-C and absence of V-to-T in Brazilian Pomeranian. 08-09-2014. (Syntax of the World’s Languages,, 8-10 Sept, 2014)
G.J. Postma (2014). Rise and decline of the passive auxiliary weorthan and Verb-Second. 03-09-2014. (Symposium on Verb Second)
G.J. Postma (2014). A Pomeranian Language Island in Brazil
 – Complex complementizers and accommodation. 18-08-2014. (Workshop on Heritage Languages 18 August, 2014)
G.J. Postma (2014). A Pomeranian Language Island in Brazil
 – New syntactic data and some considerations on complex complementizers. 04-07-2014. (German abroad Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung)
G.J. Postma (2014). Syntax and Phonology of Onset Gemination in Dutch interjections Heh? and bah! 
. 02-06-2014. (Workshop on Raddoppiamento Fonosintattico)
G.J. Postma (2014). Taalcontact en Taaldood
 – Dummy hulpwerkwoorden in het Braziliaanse Zeeuws. 22-05-2014. (Lezingen middag voor studenten)
G.J. Postma (2014). Structural factors in the decline of the passive auxiliary weorthan 
. 17-05-2014. (Symposium on the History of English Syntax)
G.J. Postma (2014). Increase in Complexity in Language Contact – V-AGR-T and V-T-AGR structures on the border of two Dutch dialects. 26-04-2014. (Workshop on Complexity in Human Languages)
G.J. Postma (2014). A Pomeranian Language Island in Brazil
 – Generalized T-to-C in Brazilian Pomeranian. 27-02-2014. (Comparative Syntax Meeting)
G.J. Postma (2014). Where is Ablaut? – The syntax and phonology of apophonic alternations 
. 06-02-2014. (Theoretical Issues in Contemporary Phonology.)


G.J. Postma (2013). Brazilian Dutch, language vitality, and dummy auxiliaries. 12-11-2013. (Núcleo de Pesquisa FoRMA (Gramática Formal, Mudança e Aquisição), Campinas (Br))
G.J. Postma (2013). A Pomeranian language island in Brazil: New syntactic data and some considerations on complex complementizers.. 11-11-2013. (Seminário em Linguística (USP), São Paulo)
G.J. Postma (2013). Brazilian Dutch, Language Vitality, and Dummy Auxiliaries. 11-11-2013. (Seminario em Linguistica, Sao Paulo)
G.J. Postma (2013). Internal Properties of NPIs and FCIs. 21-10-2013. (Conference on Referentiality, Curitiba (PR))
G.J. Postma (2013). Increase in Complexity in Language Contact – Modeling Transient States. 02-08-2013. (Workshop on Diachronic Generative Syntax, Ottawa (Canada))
G.J. Postma (2013). Metaphonic blocking in Portuguese. 20-06-2013. (Workshop on Metaphony, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2013). Differentiating core and peripheral syntactic data using algebraic methods. 15-05-2013. (Workshop on Formal Ways of Analyzing Variation, Reykjavik (Iceland))
G.J. Postma (2013). Language Contact and Language Death – Dummy Auxiliaries in Brazilian Zeeuws. 22-03-2013. (Workshop on DO support, Meertens Instituut)
G.J. Postma (2013). Brazilian Zeeuws, Allochthonous Languages, And Dummy Auxiliaries. 20-03-2013. (Meeting Endangered Language Group, Cambridge)
G.J. Postma (2013). Participant dissimilation in Frisian and French vocatives. 21-02-2013. (Incontro di Grammatica Generativa IGG 39, Modena)
G.J. Postma (2013). Is There Variational Semantics? – GO and COME in Dutch, English and Portuguese. 09-02-2013. (Meeting of the General Linguistic Society, Utrecht)


G.J. Postma (2012). Deactivated Recursion – Dutch Forum Particles. 23-11-2012. (Dag van de Nederlandse Zinsbouw, Universiteit van Antwerpen)
G.J. Postma (2012). Clause-typing by [2] – Flavors of main clause subjects in Frisian, Limburgian, Flemish and Dutch. 18-10-2012. (Generative Initiatives in Syntactic Theory 6 – Subjects Workshop, Ghent University)
G.J. Postma (2012). When recursion is deactivated in Human Full Language – The case of Dutch imperative particles. 09-10-2012. (Seminário LAPAL, Laboratório de Psicolinguística e Aquisição da Linguagem)
G.J. Postma (2012). The syntax of pronoun loss: du ‘thou’ > jij ‘you’ in the history of Dutch. 04-10-2012. (Syntax Meeting, Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
G.J. Postma (2012). Dialect Geography of the Diminutive Morpheme – palatalization and gender loss. 08-09-2012. (Morphology Meeting, Leiden University)
G.J. Postma (2012). Kratzer’s effect in the nominal domain: fake indexicals in Dutch and German. 10-05-2012. (T-lezing, Meertens Instituut)
G.J. Postma (2012). Kratzer’s effect in the nominal domain: fake indexicals in Dutch and German. 07-05-2012. (Syntax Interface Meeting, OTS – Universiteit Utrecht)
G.J. Postma (2012). Verval van het pronomen du in de Nederlandse dialecten. 26-03-2012. (Studentenmiddag, Meertens Instituut)


G.J. Postma (2011). Modifying the Hearer – 2nd person interpretation as quantification. 24-06-2011. (Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 26, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2011). Modyfying the Hearer – the left periphery of main clauses in Dutch and Frisian. 07-04-2011. (Conference of Generative Grammar 21, Sevilla)
G.J. Postma (2011). Probing up or down? – what the EPP feature can tell us. 02-03-2011. (Syntax Circle, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2011). International Parser and Lemmatizer of Dutch in Retrospect. 09-02-2011. (CLARIN Kick-off Meerting, Utrecht)


G.J. Postma (2010). Decline of du in Dutch and the nature of the left periphery of main clauses in Dutch and Frisian. 26-11-2010. (Grammar and Cognition, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2010). Modifying the Hearer – The nature of the left periphery of main clauses in Frisian and Dutch. 29-10-2010. (Conference on Frisian Linguistics, Leeuwarden)
G.J. Postma (2010). Germanic dental preterit morpheme and do-support. 22-05-2010. (Symposium on the History of English Syntax, York)
G.J. Postma (2010). Modifying the Hearer – The nature of the left periphery of main clauses in Dutch and Frisian. 15-02-2010. (Thee-lezing, Meertens Instituut)
G.J. Postma (2010). The Inclusion Relation between Primate and Human Communication – Consequences for the Grammar. 19-01-2010. (Semantisch Colloquium, Radboud Universiteit)


G.J. Postma (2009). Morphological Catalexis – French adjectives, Dutch irregular plurals, and Frisian infinitives. 23-10-2009. (Dag vand de Friese Taalkunde, Leeuwarden)
G.J. Postma (2009). Adversative Fronting in Dutch and the subject gap. 05-10-2009. (Lecture Series, Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics and Phonology (CRISPP – Brussels))
G.J. Postma (2009). The Impact of Failed Changes – The rise and fall of English positive affirmative do-support. 23-07-2009. (Diachronic Generative Syntax Workshop (DIGS-11), Campinas (Br))
G.J. Postma (2009). The impact of failed changes and the rise of do-support. 06-06-2009. (Symposium on the History of English Syntax (SHES-7), Nijmegen)
G.J. Postma (2009). When Spell-Out is Vocalization – and when it is not. Reflections on the Workspace. 18-05-2009. (Thee-lezing, Meertens Instituut Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2009). When Spell-Out is Vocalization – and when it is not. 13-05-2009. (Syntax Circle, Leiden)
G.J. Postma (2009). Clisis of pronouns and prepositions – Syntactic and phonological properties of the preposition te 14th century Dutch. 07-02-2009. (Meeting of the Dutch Linguistic Society, Utrecht)


G.J. Postma (2008). Fonologische en morfologische correlaties met de umlautsisolosse – in Oost-Friesland en Overijssel. 10-12-2008. (Fries Filologencongres, Leeuwarden)
G.J. Postma (2008). Antisymmetry as the source of Umlaut. 12-06-2008. (Workshop on Umlaut in Germanic Languages, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2008). The influence of the North-Eastern Saxonic varieties on Dutch and Frisian. 11-01-2008. (Workshop Migration and Language Change, Nijmegen)


G.J. Postma (2007). Expansion vs Umlaut – huus and moes in Salland.. 23-11-2007. (Workshop on dialect geography and internal factors, Universiteit van Gent, Gent, België)
G.J. Postma (2007). Failed Changes – The rise and fall of Early Modern Dutch sick and its algebraic relation to the success of sich.. 01-11-2007. (Workshop on Language Change, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2007). Early Decline of the Negative clitic “ne” in the Middle Dutch dialects in Frisian and Saxon areas.. 08-08-2007. (International Conference on Historical Linguistics XVIII, Universite de Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, Canada)
G.J. Postma (2007). The decline of the negative clitic in a 15-century juridical corpus from Drenthe – data, theory and some consequences for Romance. 19-04-2007. (Universiteit van Campinas (Br), Campinas, Brazili�UR -)
G.J. Postma (2007). Negatie in Taalcontact – het verval van de dubbele negatie in een 15de eeuws juridisch corpus. 02-03-2007. (Colloquium: Corpusonderzoek en Middelnederlands, Univeriteit van Gent, Gent)


G.J. Postma (2006). The Decline of the Negative clitic ‘ne’ in Old Frisian and in the Middle Dutch of Frisia, Drenthe, and Holland. 27-12-2006. (Conference on Frisian Linguistics, Linguistics Society of the Frisian Academy (Fryske Akademy), Leeuwarden (Ljouwert))
G.J. Postma (2006). Restricted Linguistic Systems as a Sub-system of Full Language: Non-detached Imperatives. 07-11-2006. (Cradle of Language, University of Stellenbosch en Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study, Stellenbosch, Zuid-Afrika)
G.J. Postma (2006). Negatie in Taalcontact – het verval van de dubbele negatie in een 15de eeuws juridisch corpus. 18-10-2006. (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen)
G.J. Postma (2006). Syntactic Principles of Non-Pronunciation – Why ‘big PRO’ is zero. 04-02-2006. (Linguistics in The Netherlands, Meeting of the Dutch Linguistic Society, Utrecht)


G.J. Postma (2005). Grammaticalization as a unitary process: the case of the reinforced negation.. 10-11-2005. (Workshop on Grammaticalization, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2005). Naamkunde op de fonologie-syntaxis interface. 13-09-2005. (Thee-lezing, Meertens Instituut Amsterdam, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2005). Loss of asymmetric V2 in the history of English and the structure of the pronominal paradigm. 02-08-2005. (International Conference on Historical Linguistic, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
G.J. Postma (2005). The rise of the reflexive pronoun ‘zich’ in a Netherlands’ border dialect in the 15th century. 24-06-2005. (ICLAVE, 22 -25 June 2005, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2005). Anthropological Taboo, Grammatical Mismatches and Variational Linguistics, 22 -25 June 2005, Amsterdam.. 23-06-2005. (ICLAVE, Meertens Instituut Amsterdam, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2005). Toward a Syntactic Theory of Number Neutralisation ? the Dutch pronouns je “you”, ze “them”.. 09-06-2005. (Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Univesrity of Tilburg, Tilburg)
G.J. Postma (2005). Causative complementizers, D-to-C and I-to-C. Teun Hoekstra Symposium, June 5th 2005, Leiden University (with Johan). 05-06-2005. (Teun Hoekstra Symposium, Universiteit van Leiden, Leiden)
G.J. Postma (2005). Tegengestelde bewegingen in taal. 10-03-2005. (Voordracht voor de Wetenschapscommissie van het Meertensinstituut, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
G.J. Postma (2005). The object pronoun ze in Dutch. Distribution and binding properties.. 29-01-2005. (Meeting of the Netherlands Linguistics Society, Universiteit van Utrecht, Utrecht)


G.J. Postma (2019). Variatie en uniformiteit in lokroepen voor dieren. 12-11-2019. (Publiekssymposium De Boerderij)


G.J. Postma (2011). INPOLDER under Word Level – Parsing Morphological Structure. 27-05-2011. (Workshop on Morphological Parsers, Leiden, INL)