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Roots of Ethnolects; extended

Ethnolects, language variants that have origins associated with specific ethnic groups, are rooted in the substrate (the influence of the relevant ethnic group’s original language, such as Turkish or a dialect of Arabic), the general processes of acquiring a second language, and the surrounding local dialects. Can the characteristics that are shared by various ethnolects of the same language be traced back to common traits in the substrate languages? Or should these be primarily attributed to universal traits contained in the process of acquiring a second language? What traits from the surrounding dialects are adopted by ethnolects? What role do ethnolects play in the retention and development of the local urban dialects that they typically originate from? Do ethnolect speakers also have a command of other forms of the language, such as the standard language? To what extent does an ethnolect operate as a style? Does an ethnolect also extend beyond the boundaries of its own ethnic group? This project expands upon the data and methods that lie at the foundation of the Roots of Ethnolects project and focuses on some of the many variable phenomena that have yet to be thoroughly researched.

Researcher: Frans Hinskens