Grondelaers, Dr. S. (Stef)
researcher variation linguistics
- telephone
- contribution to journal (article)
- contribution to edited volume
- book (author)
- conference participation
- public engagement
- non textual
Doreleijers, K. & Grondelaers, S. (2024). Between (anti-)grammar and identity: a quantitative and qualitative study of hyperdialectisms in Brabantish. Linguistics. Advance online publication.
Wiersma, S. Grondelaers, S. & Swanenberg, J. (2024). Waarom doen wij altijd doen gebruiken? Evidentie uit een beoordelingsexperiment met geschaalde oordelen en free responses. Taal & Tongval, 76(2), 237-262.
Grondelaers, S. (2024). Waarom hun hebben niet fout is: Een contrasteerder die ook nog eens cool is. Neerlandia, 128, 31-33.
Rojas-Berscia, L. M. Bourdeau, C. Grondelaers, S. & Seuren, P. (2023). Antifunctionality in Shawi split ergativity, a processing analysis. Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Antropológica, 15, 17-55.
De Troij, R. Grondelaers, S. & Speelman, D. (2023). Natiolectal variation in Dutch morphosyntax: A large-scale, data-driven perspective. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 35(1), 1-68.
Grondelaers, S. & Marzo, S. (2023). Why does the shtyle spread? Street prestige boosts the diffusion of urban vernacular features. Language in Society, 52(2), 295-320.
Grondelaers, S. van Hout, R. van Halteren, H. & Veerbeek, E. (2023). Why do we say them when we know it should be they? Twitter as a resource for investigating nonstandard syntactic variation in The Netherlands. Language Variation and Change. Advance online publication.
Grondelaers, S. van Hout, R. van Halteren, H. & Veerbeek, E. (Accepted/In press). Why do we say them when we know it should be they? Twitter as a resource for investigating non-standard syntactic variation in The Netherlands. Language Variation and Change.
Grondelaers, S. & van Gent, P. (2022). Aicha is more Dutch but less dynamic than Ahmed: The gendered nature of race in the Netherlands. Dutch Crossing: a journal of Low Countries studies, 46(3), 274-290.
Ghyselen, A.-S. Grondelaers, S. Doerga Misier, S. & Balesar, U. (2022). Standard language dynamics in postcolonial Suriname. Measuring language attitudes and ideologies in Paramaribo. Lingua, 273, 1-27. Article 103340.
Grondelaers, S. Ghyselen, A.-S. & Speelman, D. (2025). De grenzen van het Nederlands in Suriname. In K. Doreleijers, & J. Swanenberg (Eds.), Grenze(n)loze taal: Een veelzijdige blik op taalvariatie (pp. 25-41). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Grondelaers, S. & van Craenenbroeck, J. (2023). Raupen doeng ‘t holleken gaupen: Voedselgerelateerde idiomen in Nederlandse en Vlaamse dialecten. In J. Brouwer, M. van Erp, M. Hendriksen, R. Ibanez Martin, O. Leonhardt, & I. van Renswoude (Eds.), Wat schaft de pot?: Eetcultuur in Nederland door de jaren heen (pp. 41). (Nieuwjaarsuitgave Meertens Instituut). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Ghyselen, A.-S. & Grondelaers, S. (2022). Not anything goes: On implicational coherence and the penalty for being incoherent. In The Coherence of Linguistic Communities: Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning (pp. 203-220). Routledge.
Stef Grondelaers (2025). Big-databased techniques to access changing language ideologies: The case of Suriname.. 30-01-2025. (Language and Identity)
Stef Grondelaers (2025). Frying and tweeting. Perception and production aspects of social meaning. 17-01-2025. (Seminario Metodológico)
Stef Grondelaers (2025). Dynamics of language standards in complex and controversial communities. 15-01-2025. (Speakers and language standards in Flanders, Norway and Southafrica: ongoing processes and new lines of research)
Stef Grondelaers (2025). To be or not to be (there): Functional and regional constraints on the syntax of existential sentences. 10-01-2025.
Stef Grondelaers (2024). Experiments, commercials, and social media. A multi-purpose toolbox to study complex standard language dynamics. 07-11-2024.
Astrid van Alem, J.M. (Marjo) van Koppen, Stef Grondelaers (2024). Complementiser agreement in Limburg: grammatical, social, and geographical factors of variation. 27-09-2024. (Limburg as a linguistic laboratory)
Dirk Speelman, Stef Grondelaers (2024). Existential matters. How the Limburgs introduce new information in discourse. 27-09-2024. (Limburg as a linguistic laboratory)
Astrid Cleeren, Stefania Marzo, Stef Grondelaers (2024). The emergence and evolution of urban style in peripheral industrial areas: the case of Limburg. 26-09-2024. (Limburg as a linguistic laboratory)
Stef Grondelaers (2024). Constraints on ethnic accent prestige. Evidence from speaker evaluation and marketing experiments. 30-05-2024.
Stef Grondelaers (2024). Using vector-based models to track ideology change and predict the future of Belgian, Netherlandic, and Surinamese Dutch.. 03-02-2024. (Affirming Empirical Foundations)
Shelley Wiersma, Jos Swanenberg, Stef Grondelaers (2024). “Ik doe nu een presentatie geven.” Over do-supportconstructies in verschillende contexten. 02-02-2024. (Grote Taaldag)
Stef Grondelaers (2024). Contextualizing attitude experiments in order to pinpoint standard ideology change. Evidence from Belgian neo-standard Dutch.. 25-01-2024. (Estandarización y vernacularización en la España contemporánea)
Stef Grondelaers (2023). The limits of ethnic accent prestige. Empirical or methodological issue?. 13-12-2023.
Stef Grondelaers (2023). Disentangling semantic, sociolinguistic & subjective factors in the grammar of Serbian. 06-11-2023.
Stef Grondelaers (2023). Taalverloedering of neo-standaard?. 29-08-2023. (Festival Oude Muziek)
Stef Grondelaers (2023). Heimwee naar een illusie. 28-08-2023. (Festival Oude Muziek)
Stef Grondelaers (2023). Surfing the fourth wave. Social meaning as a rapid diffusion determinant in experiments and tweets. 11-05-2023.
Stef Grondelaers, Anne-Sophie Ghyselen (2023). The difference between Belgian Standard Dutch and tussentaal is a matter of accent. Evidence from a contextualized speaker evaluation experiment. 31-03-2023. (Sociolinguistics Circle)
Stef Grondelaers (2023). Exemplars en individuele variatie. 24-03-2023. (Dag van de Nederlandse Spraakkunst: 24 maart 2023)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). Nothing is wrong with logistic regression. From macro to micro, exclusive to inclusive. 08-12-2022. (Language variation as the hub in linguistics)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). An abomination which needs to be remedied or…A useful strategy?. 18-10-2022.
Stef Grondelaers (2022). Do lexical biases (co-)determine the grammatical divergence between Belgian and Netherlandic Dutch? The role of random lexical effects in the modelling of syntactic variation.. 15-10-2022. (New ways of analyzing variation 50)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). Ich bin ein laboratory sociolinguist. 06-10-2022. (Laboratory Sociolinguistics)
Stef Grondelaers, Dirk Speelman (2022). Experimental attitude elicitation meets big data to solve the pluricentricity issue. Evidence from the Dutch language area.. 01-08-2022. (Methods XVII)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). New avenues in language evaluation research. 01-07-2022. (Sociolinguistics Symposium)
Stef Grondelaers, Gerrit Jan Kootstra, Warda Nejjari (2022). Making (marketing) sense of low prestige accents. Evidence from Netherlandic Dutch. 01-04-2022. (Sociolinguistics Circle 2022)
Jiska Koemans, Stef Grondelaers (2022). The truth of trivia. 01-04-2022. (Sociolinguistics Circle 2022)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). Why do we say them when we know it must be they? Twitter as a resource for the study of rapid linguistic diffusion.. 24-02-2022.
Stef Grondelaers (2024). Kunt ge uzelf zijn in standaardtaal?. 17-04-2024.
Stef Grondelaers, Els Beerten (2023). “En als we eens op aarde bleven?” Een haalbare norm voor het (Belgische) Nederlands.. 17-11-2023. (Het Schoolvak Nederlands)
Stef Grondelaers (2022). Het grote VRT Taaldebat. 05-10-2022.
Grondelaers, S. (2024). Podcast ‘Dat smaakt naar Meertens’: Aflevering 1: Taalverloedering. Digital or Visual Products