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DHLab / NL-Lab / Cultural AI Lab


The Digital Humanities Lab (DHLab) is an independent research group within the KNAW Humanities Cluster, aimed at offering a laboratory environment for all digital humanities research in the cluster, including the aforementioned work at the Meertens Institute. The mission of DHLab is to advance the humanities through digital methods, both at the KNAW Humanities Cluster and outside. The lab’s research will focus on adapting existing tools and developing new tools for humanities research on textual sources. 


NL-Lab is a research group within the Humanities Cluster of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Established in the fall of 2019, NL-Lab develops academic research on Dutch culture and identity. Where and for whom is Dutch identity at risk? How is national identity made and felt? How do The Netherlands speak, taste, feel, and tell their history? We want to shed new light on these pressing issues with new research methods.

Cultural AI Lab

Cultural AI Lab bridges the gap between cultural heritage institutes, the humanities, and informatics. Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in analysing digitised cultural collections and making them accessible. Cultural AI Lab wants to harness the potential of AI for cultural research, and make the technology aware of cultural context. Core research themes revolve around public values such as diversity and inclusivity. The lab investigates how technology can deal with biases in data, account for multiple perspectives and subjective interpretations and bridge cultural differences.