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The Flying Dutchman and other Folktales from the Netherlands

ImageDit Engelstalige boek bevat een brede selectie aan Nederlandse verhalen die tot lering en vermaak zijn voor lezers van alle leeftijden. Dierenverhalen, magische, religieuze en realistische verhalen, maar ook hedendaagse sagen komen aan bod, evenals een grote selectie verhalen, raadsels, puzzels en moppen. 



Theo Meder. The Flying Dutchman and other Folktales from the Netherlands. Westport & London, Libraries Unlimited, 2007 [2008]. (World Folklore Series) 

Here is a broad sampling of Dutch tales that will entertain and inform readers and listeners of all ages. From animal tales and tales of magic to religious and realistic stories, and contemporary legends, you'll find in this collection scores of tales, riddles, puzzles, and jokes to savor and share.

Many of the stories are rooted in the traditional rural society of the Netherlands, while others have sprung from the modern, urban, and multi-ethnic society that Holland is today. Background information on the country and the stories, and color photographs and illustrations, along with a detailed bibliography, makes this a well-rounded resource for educators, folklore scholars, and general readers. All levels.

ISBN : 1-59158-490-6
292 pagina's