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Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World

ImageOp basis van fascinerend etnografisch veldonderzoek, geeft dit boek inzicht in het functioneren van hedendaagse heiligdommen en het handelen van pelgrims. Het boek geeft een nieuwe visie op moderne vormen van pelgrimstochten en rekent af met het concept van 'seculiere pelgrimstochten'.

Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World vangt de religieuze factor in schijnbaar seculiere plaatsen en plaatst de (postmoderne) pelgrim in de hedendaagse samenleving.

 Peter Jan Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World. New Itineraries into the Sacred. Amsterdam University Press, 2008.

Peter Jan Margry is als Senior-onderzoeker Religieuze Cultuur verbonden aan het Meertens Instituut. Hij is tevens Vice-President van SIEF – International Society for Ethnology and Folklore.

Luister hier naar een aflevering van het radioprogramma de Avonden, opgenomen op 9 juni 2008, waarin Wim Noordhoek in gesprek is met Peter Jan Margry. 


This book will be sure to stoke our intellectual fire and heat up the discussion over the highly charged topic of secular pilgrimage. Stunning in its worldwide scope and brilliant in its interpretation, it sheds light as never before on connections between homages to Elvis at Graceland,the “mafia judge” Giovanni Falcone at a flower bed in the center of Palermo, and the late leader of the former Yugoslavia Tito on the Day of Youth in Croatia, among others. The editor has done a great service in laying out the profundity of “secular pilgrimage” as a concept and drawing provocative parallels among the examples.

Simon Bronner – Distinguished University Professor of American Studies and Folklore, American Studies Program, the Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg

The provocative, ethnographic essays on contemporary “secular” pilgrimage in this valuable collection highlight dynamic, independent, creative expressions of vernacular religion in Europe, the United States, and Asia, and contribute to the development of a greater understanding of pilgrimage as a vital, intrinsically human portal to the sacred.

Leonard Norman Primiano, Department of Religious Studies, Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania

ISBN 978 90 8964 011 6

paperback Engels, 2008, € 42,50

Amsterdam University Press