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Seminar in General Metrics

On January 25, 2017, the Meertens Instituut in Amsterdam will host a 1-day workshop on metrical theory (in English). Below is the provisional programm; updates will appear here. All invited!

Morning session
Varun deCastro (PhD, Meertens Instituut  / Leiden)
“The emergence of verse templates through iterated learning"
Kristen de Joseph (PhD, Leiden University)
"Meter as a minefield:  Methodological issues in the study of Vedic metrics".
Mirella De Sisto (PhD, Meertens Instituut)
“The Birth of the Iamb in Early Renaissance Low Countries
Lunch break
Afternoon session
Kristin Hanson (NIAS fellow 2016-2017)
“What’s Elision For?  Aesthetic Implications of the Meter of Shakespeare’s Sonnets”
Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut)
"Measuring the length of Tsjêbbe Hettinga's lines"