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Roodenburg, dr. H.W. (Herman)

gastonderzoeker etnologie

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Roodenburg, H. W. (2014). Empathy in the Making: Crafting the Believers’s Emotions in the Late Medieval Low Countries. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, 129(2), 42-62.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Santing, C. (2014). Introduction: Batavian Phlegm?: The Dutch and their Emotions in the Pre-Modern Times. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, 129(2), 7-19.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2012). De ‘Nederlandsheid’ van Nederland. Een nieuw project aan het Meertens Instituut. Volkskunde. Tijdschrift over de cultuur van het dagelijkse leven, 113(2), 203-212.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2011). Waarom geen volkskunstmuseum? Boekmancahier, 88, 49-55.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2008). Kulturen im Gespräch. Interview Herman Roodenburg. Kulturen, 2(2), 19-25.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Lehmann, A-S. (2008). Introduction. Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 58, 5-13.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2005). Etnologie en cultural studies: kanttekeningen bij een mogelijke samenwerking. Volkskunde. Tijdschrift over de cultuur van het dagelijkse leven, 106(3), 217-227.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2005). Pierre Bourdieu: Issues of Embodiment and Authenticity. Etnofoor, 17(1/2), 215-226.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2005). Folklore en ‘performance’. Alledaagse Dingen, 11(3/4), 11-14.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2002). Making an Island in Time: Dutch Folklore Studies, Painting, Tourism, and Craniometry around 1900. Journal of Folklore Research, 39(2/3), 173-200. DOI:
Dekker, T. Roodenburg, H. W. & Rooijakkers, G. W. J. (2001). De symbolische orde van de Nederlandse etnologie: een antwoord. Oost-Vlaamse Zanten, 76(2), 165-176.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2001). Tussen distantie en betrokkenheid. ‘Public folklore’ en de volkskunde in Nederland en Vlaanderen’. Mores: tijdschrift voor volkscultuur in Vlaanderen, 2(1), 5-8.
Roodenburg, H. W. (1998). Inleiding. Oost-Vlaamse Zanten, 73.3(Eer, smaad en belediging in cultuurhistorisch perspectief), 154-156.
Margry, P. J. Bennis, H. J. & Roodenburg, H. W. (2005). Leve de canon – maar niet te absoluut. NRC Handelsblad, 5-5.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2016). The Body. In U. Rublack (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2016). The Senses. In S. Broomhall (Ed.), Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2016). Continuities or Discontinuities?: Exploring Affective Piety in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries. In A-L. Van Bruaene, & M. Kavaler (Eds.), Urban Perspectives on sixteenth-century Netherlandish Art & Culture. Turnhout: Brepols.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2015). “Pathopoeia” von Bouts bis Rembrandt, oder: Wie man die Gefühle der Gläubigen durch ihre Sinne beeinflussen kann. In A. Brendecke (Ed.), Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit: Akteure – Handlungen – Artefakte. (pp. 405-420). Köln Weimar Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2015). Smelling Rank and Status. In R. Baer (Ed.), Class Distinctions: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. (pp. 41-54). Boston: MFA Publications | Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2014). Introduction: Entering the Sensory Worlds of the Renaissance. In H. W. Roodenburg (Ed.), A Cultural History of the Senses in the Renaissance. (pp. 1-17). (A Cultural History of the Senses; Vol. 3). London: Bloomsbury.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2012). La tierra de Huizinga: notas sobre la historia cultural en los Países Bajos. In P. Poirrier (Ed.), La Historia Cultural: Un Giro Historiográfico Mundial?. (pp. 233-244). València: Universitat de València.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2012). The visceral pleasures of looking: on iconology, anthropology and the neurosciences. In B. Baert, A-S. Lehmann, & J. van der Akkerveken (Eds.), New Perspectives in Iconology: Visual Studies and Anthropology. (pp. 156-170). Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Bouffard-Veilleux, M. (2011). Footwork: How Seventeenth-Century Painters Made their Merrymakers Dance. In A. Tummers (Ed.), Celebrating in the Golden Age. (pp. 28-39). Rotterdam: NAi Publishers.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2011). La terra di Huizinga: qualche appunto sulla storia culturale nei Paesi Bassi. In A. Arcangeli, & P. Poirrier (Eds.), La storia culturale: una svolta nella storiografica mondiale?. (pp. 183-202). Verona: QuiEdit.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2011). Two incorporatory regimes: on corsets, dancing and habitus in early modern Europe. In A. Hartmann (Ed.), Die Macht der Dinge. Festschrift für Ruth-E. Mohrmann. (pp. 279-290). Münster: Waxmann.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2010). Elegant Dutch? The reception of Castiglione’s ‘Cortegiano’ in seventeenth-century Netherlands. In M. Calaresu, F. de Vivo, & J. P. Rubies (Eds.), Exploring Cultural History: Essays in Honour of Peter Burke. (pp. 265-286). London: Ashgate.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Dickey, S. (2010). Introduction: The Motions of the Mind. In S. Dickey, & H. Roodenburg (Eds.), The Passions in the Arts of the Early Modern Netherlands. (Vol. 60, pp. 7-16). (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek). Zwolle: Waanders.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2010). ‘Si vis me flere…’ On preachers, passions and pathos in eighteenth-century Europe. In J. Dijkstra, J. Kroesen, & Y. Kuiper (Eds.), Myths, Martyrs and Modernity: Studies in the History of Religions in Honour of Jan Bremmer. (pp. 609-628). Leiden: Brill.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2010). ‘Beweeglijkheid’ embodied: on the corporeal and sensory dimensions of a famous emotion term. In S. Dickey, & H. Roodenburg (Eds.), The Passions in the Arts of the Early Modern Netherlands. (Vol. 60, pp. 303-314). (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek). Zwolle: Waanders.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2009). Brains or Brawn? What were early modern universities for? In B. Krug-Richter, & R-E. Mohrmann (Eds.), Frühneuzeitliche Universitätskulturen. Kulturhistorische Perspektiven auf die Hochschulen in Europa. (pp. 17-29). Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2009). From Embodying the Rules to Embodying Belief: On Eighteenth-Century Pulpit Delivery in England, Germany and the Netherlands. In J. van Eijnatten (Ed.), Preaching, Sermon and Cultural Change in the Long Eighteenth Century. (pp. 313-342). Leiden: Brill.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2007). Dancing in the Dutch Republic: The Uses of Bodily Memory. In H. W. Roodenburg (Ed.), Forging European Identities. (pp. 329-360). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Margry, P. J. (2007). Introduction. In Reframing Dutch Culture: Between Otherness and Authenticity. (pp. 1-10). (Progress in European Ethnology). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2007). Visiting Vermeer: Performing Civility. In A. Golahny, M. Mochizuki, & L. Vergara (Eds.), In His Milieu: Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias. (pp. 385-394). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2007). European Ethnology between History and Anthropology. In A. Hartmann u.a. (Ed.), Historizität. Vom Umgang mit Geschichte. (pp. 139-148). Münster: Waxmann.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2007). Their Own Heritage: Women Wearing Traditional Costumes in the Village of Marken. In Reframing Dutch Culture: Between Otherness and Authenticity.
Margry, P. J. & Roodenburg, H. W. (2007). A History of Dutch Ethnology in 10,5 Pages. In P. Margry, & H. Roodenburg (Eds.), Reframing Dutch Culture. Between Otherness and Authenticity. (pp. 261-271). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2006). De comeback van het korset. In B. du Mortier (Ed.), Fashion DNA. (pp. 5). Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum/Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2004). Social Control Viewed from Below: New Perspectives. In H. Roodenburg, & P. Spierenburg (Eds.), Social Control in Europe 1500-1800. (pp. 145-158). Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2004). Volkscultuur. In W. Steffelaar (Ed.), Oriëntatiecursus Cultuurwetenschappen: De Republiek. (Vol. 2, pp. 186-206). Heerlen: Open Universiteit.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2003). Historical proverb scholarship in Flanders and the Netherlands. In M. Meadow, & A. Fleurkens (Eds.), Symon Andriessoon. Duytsche Adagia ofte Spreecwoorden. In Facsimile, Transcription of the Dutch Text and English Translation. (pp. 9-13). Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2003). Volkskunde, vaderlandsliefde en levensverhalen. Een inleiding. In B. Henkes, & H. Roodenburg (Eds.), Volkskunde, vaderlandsliefde en levensverhalen. (Vol. 29, pp. 129-142). Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2002). Isabella de Moerloose (1660 of 1661 – na 1712). Al te eigenzinnige ideeën over God en de wereld. In A. de Haas (Ed.), Achter slot en grendel. Schrijvers in Nederlandse gevangenschap 1700-1800. (pp. 20-29). Zutphen 2002: Walburg Pers.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2002). Marken as relic: the merging of painting, tourism, craniometry and folklore studies around 1900. In H. Vermeulen, & F. Hüsken (Eds.), Tales from Academia: History of Anthropology in the Netherlands. (pp. 1015-1032). Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2001). Inzest in der Nachbarschaft. Strategien und Reaktionen in einem ärmeren Viertel Haarlems. In R. Mohrmann (Ed.), Städtische Volkskultur im 18. Jahrhundert. Keulen, Weimar en Wenen: Böhlau Verlag.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2001). Over Goethe, Gorbatsjov en een meisje in de Kanaalstraat. De oude maar onbekende grappen van Nasreddin Hodja. In T. Meder (Ed.), Er waren een Marokkaan, een Turk en een Nederlander… Volkskundige en taalkundige opstellen over het vertellen van moppen in de multiculturele wijk Lombok. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2000). On “swelling” the hips and crossing the legs. Distinguishing public and private in paintings and prints from the Dutch Golden Age. In A. Wheelock Jr. & A. Seeff (Eds.), The Public and the Private in Dutch Culture of the Golden Age. Newark en Londen: University of Delaware Press/Associated University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2000). Gestures. In Encyclopedia of European Social History. (Vol. IV, pp. 365-369)
Dekker, T. Roodenburg, H. W. & Rooijakkers, G. W. J. (2000). Ten geleide. Reflecties op de cultuur van het dagelijks leven. In T. Dekker, H. Roodenburg, & G. Rooijakkers (Eds.), Volkscultuur. Een inleiding in de Nederlandse etnologie. Nijmegen: SUN.
Roodenburg, H. W. (1999). Marken als relict: het samengaan van schilderkunst, toerisme, volkskunde en fysische antropologie rond 1900. In J. Helsloot (Ed.), Volkskundig Bulletin. Amsterdam: SUN.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2010). Anthropologists, Historians and the Pulse of the Archive. Amsterdam: VU University.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Grijp, L. P. (2005). Blues en balladen. Alan Lomax en Ate Doornbosch, twee muzikale veldwerkers. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Roodenburg, H. W. (2004). The Eloquence of the Body. Studies on Gesture in the Dutch Republic. (Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History). Zwolle: Waanders.
Roodenburg, H. W. (Ed.) (2014). A Cultural History of the Senses in the Renaissance, 1450-1650. (A Cultural History of the Senses; Vol. 3). London: Bloomsbury.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Santing, C. G. (Eds.) (2014). Batavian Phlegm?: The Dutch and their Emotions in Pre-Modern Times. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, 129.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Dickey, S. (Eds.) (2010). The Passions in the Arts of the Early Modern Netherlands. Zwolle: Waanders.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Lehmann, A-S. (Eds.) (2008). Body and Embodiment in Netherlandish Art. (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek). Zwolle: Waanders.
Roodenburg, H. W. (Ed.) (2007). Forging European Identities, 1400-1700. (Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400-1700). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Margry, P. J. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2007). Reframing Dutch Culture: Between Otherness and Authenticity. (Progress in European Ethnology). Aldershot: Ashgate.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Bremmer, J. (Eds.) (2005). E Politismike Istoria tou Xioumor [Greek translation of ‘A Cultural History of Humour’. Athene: Polutropon.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Spierenburg, P. (Eds.) (2004). Social Control in Europe 1500-1800. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
de Jong, J. Ramakers, B. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2003). Het exotische verbeeld. Boeren en verre volken in de Nederlandse kunst. (Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek). Zwolle: Waanders UItgevers.
Henkes, B. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2003). Volkskunde, vaderlandsliefde en levensverhalen. (Themanummer Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis). Hilversum: Verloren.
Bremmer, J. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2001). Gaoxiao: Youmo wenhuashi. Peking: Shehin Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe.
Bendix, R. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2000). Managing Ethnicity. Perspectives from Folklore Studies, History and Anthropology. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
Bremmer, J. & Roodenburg, H. W. (Eds.) (2000). O Istorie Culturala a Gesturilor. Boekarest: Editura Polimark.
Dekker, T. Roodenburg, H. W. & Rooijakkers, G. W. J. (Eds.) (2000). Volkscultuur. Een inleiding in de Nederlandse etnologie. Nijmegen: SUN.
Roodenburg, H. W. & Bremmer, J. (Eds.) (1999). Kulturgeschichte des Humors von der Antike bis heute. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2015). How to Evoke Believers’ Tears of Compassion? Catholic and Protestant Views in the Dutch Republic. Compassion in Early Modern Culture, 18 Sep 2015.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2015). ‘Enargeia’ en de lijdende Christus. Een emotie-historisch perspectief op zestiende- en zeventiende-eeuwse vroomheid. Devotie en emotie. Een nieuwe blik op religieus beeldmateriaal, 08 May 2015.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2015). Sculpture and Religious Sorrow in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands. Plastic, present: Netherlandish 16th century sculpture, 18 Mar 2015.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2014). The Deepest Sense: On Tactility in the Arts and Sciences from the Early Modern Period to the Present Day. ACCESS-Symposium Rijksmuseum and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 26 Jun 2014.
H.W. Roodenburg (Chair) (2014). (26 Jun 2014)
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2013). ‘Pathopoeia’ from Aelbrecht Bouts to Rembrandt: How to Work the Believers’ Emotions through the Senses. Fellowship Kolleg-Forschergruppe ‘Bildakt und Verkörperung’, Humboldt Universität, Berlijn, 12 Nov 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2013). Investigating the Senses in the Renaissance: Some Recent Developments. Friedrich Reinecke Institut, Freie Universität, Berlijn, 05 Nov 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2013). ‘Bildakt’ and the Cultural History of the Senses. Fellowship Kolleg-Forschergruppe ‘Bildakt und Verkörperung’, Humboldt Universität, Berlijn, 04 Nov 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2013). Implementing the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Heritage in Europe: A Research Proposal Focusing on the Recent ‘Rediscovery of the National’. Twentieth International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, 27 Jun 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2013). Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Times of Rediscovering the Nation in Europe. Mini-symposium ‘Frozen Formations: Rediscovering the National in Western Europe’, 20th International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, 27 Jun 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2013). How Do Cities Sound?. Internationaal symposium Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, 24 May 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2013). Sounds of Historical Amsterdam. Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, 24 May 2013.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2012). How to paint the absence of touch? Comparing Rembrandt’s interiority with the ‘hands-on culture’ of late medieval piety. guest lecture, Concordia University, Montreal, 24 Oct 2012.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2012). ‘The Visceral Pleasures of Looking: On Baxandall and Bourdieu’. guest lecture, Université de Montréal, 22 Oct 2012.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2012). Continuities or Discontinuities? Exploring Affective Piety in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries. Conference ‘Netherlandish Culture of the Sixteenth Century’, University of Toronto, 18 Oct 2012.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2012). The Visceral Pleasures of Looking: On Baxandall, Langdale and Bourdieu. Visual Interests: The Intellectual Legacy of Michael Baxandall, Warburg Institute, London, 25 May 2012.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2011). Cool, Calm and Collected? The Dutch and their Emotions in Pre-Modern Times. Najaarscongres Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, Den Haag, 04 Nov 2011.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2011). Christian-Pagan Dichotomies or Universal Natural Religion? A Comparison of De Bry, De Hooghe and Picart.. De ‘visuele salon’: najaarsbijeenkomst Werkgroep Visuele Cultuur, Amsterdam, 25 Oct 2011.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2011). Introduction: Cultural Heritage and Corporeality. Panel Cultural Heritage and Corporeality, SIEF-Congress: People Make Places: Ways of Feeling the World, Lissabon, 19 Apr 2011.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2011). Panel ‘Cultural Heritage and Corporeality’. SIEF-conference People Make Places: Ways of Feeling the World, Lissabon, 19 Apr 2011.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2011). Consumption, distinction and embodiment in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Netherlands. Structure, Change and Discourse in Pre-Industrial Europe: Towards a Cross-Disciplinary Study of Social Inequalities, Gent en Antwerpen, 09 Apr 2011.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2010). De ‘visuele salon’: het brein in beeld. Najaarsbijeenkomst Werkgroep Visuele Cultuur, Amsterdam, 10 Dec 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2010). The visceral pleasures of looking: on iconology, anthropology and the neurosciences. Visual Studies: Seminars in Comparative Social and Cultural History, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 23 Nov 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2010). The European tradition of the ‘pathopoios’, or how to craft the emotions. Sensational Heritage: Fashioning Culture, Styling the Past, Stimulating the Senses, Accra (Ghana), 27 Apr 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2010). Samuel van Hoogstraten and the role of the senses and embodiment in depicting holy figures. The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Venice, 09 Apr 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2010). Cultuurgeschiedenis, historische antropologie en de fenomenologische wending. Utrechts Cultuurhistorisch Seminar, Universiteit Utrecht, 08 Mar 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2010). The visual pleasures of looking: on iconology, anthropology and the neurosciences. Network Meeting ‘Body Techniques in the Early Modern Period’, Freie Universität, Berlijn, 30 Jan 2010.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2009). Antropologen, historici en de hartslag van het archief. oratie Vrije Universiteit, fac. Sociale Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 18 Sep 2009.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2009). Two Bodily Regimes: Dancing, Gender and Habitus in Early Modern Europe. conferentie L’Uso del Ballare: New Literary Approaches to European Dance Traditions, Groningen, 08 May 2009.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2009). The Paradox of the Preacher: On Authenticity and Affective Memory. conferentie Sacrosanct Culture: The Authentication of Cultural Form, Amsterdam, 16 Apr 2009.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2009). Smaak en distinctie. Een verwaarloosd thema voor de achttiende eeuw. conferentie Smaak en Distinctie. Elites in de Nederlanden in de achttiende eeuw, Amsterdam, 23 Jan 2009.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2008). Introduction. Where is Language? Where is Culture?, KNAW Colloquium, Amsterdam, 13 Nov 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2008). Where is Language? Where is Culture?. KNAW-colloquium, Amsterdam, 13 Nov 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2008). Where is Language? Where is Culture?. KNAW 200, Amsterdam, 13 Nov 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2008). Panel ‘European Ethnology and Performance Theory’. SIEF-conference Transcending European Heritages, Derry, Northern Ireland, 19 Jun 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2008). Burghers or Aristocrats? The Dutch Seventeenth-Century Elite and its Cherishing of Art, Science and Civility. invited lecture, University of Ulster, 17 Jun 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Invited speaker) (2008). Habit, Habitus and Civility in Early Modern Europe. Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, 05 Apr 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2008). Iconology, Visual studies and Anthropology. Iconology meets Anthropology: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Leuven, 07 Mar 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2007). Burghers or Aristocrats? The Dutch Seventeenth-Century Elite and its Cherishing of Art, Science and Civility. Low Countries Seminar, University College London, Londen, Engeland, 09 Nov 2007.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2007). Keine Ahnung von Civilité? Johan Huizinga und das holländische Bürgertum im 17. Jahrhundert. Zur Aktualität Johan Huizingas für die Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Köln, 28 Sep 2007.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2007). The Burgher as Art. Or How Bourgeois was the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Elite?. Exploring Cultural History. An International Conference in Honour of Peter Burke, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, Engeland, 10 May 2007.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2006). Netherlandish Baroque Portraits and Civil Conversation. Pokerfaced: Flemish and Dutch Baroque Faces Unveiled, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 07 Dec 2006.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2006). Civility and the Passions in the Dutch Golden Age. The “Motions of the Mind”: Representing the Passions in the Arts of the Early Modern Netherlands, Queens University, Kingston, Canada, 17 Nov 2006.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2006). Rembrandt and the Eloquence of the Body. Rembrandt: 400 Years of Genius, Nederlandse Ambassade, Ottowa, Canada, 16 Nov 2006.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2006). On Images and Their Beholders in the Dutch Republic. Mit Klios Augen: Bilder als historische Quellen, Universitaet Zuerich, Zuerich, Zwitserland, 27 Oct 2006.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2006). Between History and Anthropology: The Uses of European Ethnology. Historizaet als Aufgabe und Perspektive, Seminar fuer Volkskunde/Europaeische Ethnologie, Muenster, Duitsland, 22 Sep 2006.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2005). Brains or Brawn: What Were Early Modern Universities Meant For?. Frühneuzeitliche Universitätskulturen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Duitsland, 24 Nov 2005.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2005). Geschiedwetenschap en Performance-benaderingen. Postgraduate Seminar Geschiedenis en Antropologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, België, 21 May 2005.
H.W. Roodenburg (Keynote speaker) (2005). Etnologie en cultural studies: kanttekeningen bij een mogelijke samenwerking. Synergie tussen Volkscultuur en Populaire Cultuur, Antwerpen, België, 23 Apr 2005.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2004). Pierre Bourdieu: Issues of Embodiment and Authenticity. Authenticity: beyond deconstruction?, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam, 01 Oct 2004.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2004). L’Histoire des apparences aux Pays-Bas: les sources et l’historiographie. Les sources du paraître et des apparences dans l”histoire, Université de Lille III, Lille, Frankrijk, 25 Sep 2004.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2003). Microgeschiedenis en historische antropologie. Microhistory/History from Below, Cursus Cultuurhistorisch Onderzoek: Klassieken en, Huizinga-Instituut, Amsterdam, 07 Apr 2003.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2003). Het VNC-project Volkskunde in Vlaanderen en Nederland: een terugblik. Symposium VNC bij zijn tienjarig bestaan, Vlaams-Nederlands Comité, Antwerpen, België, 15 Jan 2003.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2002). Volkskunde, vaderlandsliefde en levensverhalen. Symposium, Amsterdam, Meertens Instituut, 2002.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2002). Becoming a Dutch patrician: the eloquence of the body. University of Austin, Austin, USA, 07 Jun 2002.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2002). Becoming a Dutch patrician: body and memory in the Dutch Republic. Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Duitsland, 25 May 2002.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2001). De lichamelijke welsprekendheid in de zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek: aspecten en ontwikkelingen.. Taal, eer en ethiek in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 31 Aug 2001.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2001). A Self-Effacing Nation: Religion, Ethnicity and the Nation-State in the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Netherlands. Ethnicity and the Social Sciences, UFSIA (Universiteit van Antwerpen), Antwerpen, 09 May 2001.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2001). Dutch volkskunde around 1900. Or, Where did painting and mass tourism stop and where did ethnology begin?. 7th Sief-Conference Times Places Passages, Institute of Ethnology. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Boedapest, 26 Apr 2001.
H.W. Roodenburg (Organiser) (2000). Meertens Lezingen (Meertens Lectures). Lezingenreeks, Amsterdam, Meertens Instituut, 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). Neighbourhoods and the moral order in seventeenth-century Leiden. Towns and the moral order in early modern Europe, St. John’s College, Cambridge, 21 Nov 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). ‘Public folklore’ en de volkskunde in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Volkskunde in Vlaanderen en Nederland, Limburgs Museum, Venlo, 13 Oct 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). Introduction. Man and the Exchange of Material Goods, Sussex University Brighton, Brighton, 22 Sep 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). Nationale Uniformen zur Konstruktion des Eigenen und des Fremden (herziene versie). Workshop Uniformität – Alterität, Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Textilien Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, 28 Jul 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). Introduction: Clothing and Cultural History. European Social Science History Conference, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 14 Apr 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). The ‘eloquentia corporis’ of ministers in the Dutch Republic. Gestures: Meaning and Use, Universiteit Oporto, Oporto, 01 Apr 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2000). Nationale Uniformen zur Konstruktion des Eigenen und Fremden. Workshop Uniformität-Alterität, Institut fur Kulturgeschichte der Textilien, Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, 03 Mar 2000.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2014). The Passion of Christ and the History of Emotions. 20 Feb 2014.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2008). Klederdracht en lichamelijkheid op Marken. Lezingenserie Onze Trots, Felix Meritis Amsterdam, 23 Apr 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2008). Klederdracht en lichamelijkheid op Marken. lezingenserie Onze Trots, Windesheim College Zwolle, 22 Apr 2008.
H.W. Roodenburg (Speaker) (2005). Folklore en ‘performance’. Nationale Volkscultuurdag, Utrecht, 22 Oct 2005.