Promotie: Levi’s eerste kerstfeest. Jeugdverhalen over jodenbekering, 1792-2015
Promotie van drs. Ewout Sanders; promotores prof.dr. Nicoline van der Sijs (Radboud Universiteit & Meertens Instituut) en prof. dr. Sophie Levie (Radboud Universiteit).
The Christians must respect the Jews, for they are God’s chosen people, and Jesus himself was a Jew. However, the Jews must be converted: they must recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
That is the core message of many children’s books on missionary work among the Jews. In this study, Ewoud Sanders investigates eighty of these stories: 13 from a Roman Catholic background, and 67 from Dutch Protestant sources. He elucidates their origin and printing history, relates them to their historical background, analyses their contemporary reception, and examines their narrative structures.
Children’s stories about missionary work among the Jews are by no means a marginal phenomenon; in the 20th century several of these stories were brought out in huge editions. They were published as books, as serials in newspapers, in periodicals, in textbooks, as Christmas gifts, or as plays. Neither have these stories on missionary work and conversion become something of the past.
In most of these stories the philosemitic message – ‘We cherish the Jews’ – has gone hand in hand with antisemitism. Jewish children maltreated by their parents because they want to convert, Jews spitting on the ground whenever they mention ‘filthy Christians’ or ‘filthy goyim’ – right now such stories are recommended reading for children in the Dutch Reformed Church from eleven years onward.
Ewoud Sanders (1958) is historicus en journalist. Hij is vaste medewerker van onder meer NRC Handelsblad (waar hij een taalrubriek heeft), Onze Taal en E-Data. Hij heeft ruim twintig boeken op zijn naam staan, o.a. over etymologie, boekgeschiedenis, massadigitalisering en over slimmer zoeken op internet.
Datum: vrijdag 3 maart 2017
Tijd: vanaf 12:30
Locatie: Academiezaal Aula, Comeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen
Faculteit: Faculty of Arts
Promovendus: de heer drs. E. Sanders
Promotor(es): prof. dr. N. van der Sijs, prof. dr. S.A. Levie
Subtitel: Levi`s eerste kerstfeest. Jeugdverhalen over jodenbekering, 1792-2015