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HuC Live!

The main theme of the event will be Bridging the Gulf which we explore through a claim by Clifford Geertz: ‘I think the perception of there being a deep gulf between science and the humanities is false.’ We will try to explain why we are building that bridge and why it could be important to you.

We are happy to welcome prof. dr. Antal van den Bosch, director of the Meertens Institute and Professor of Language and Speech Technology at the Radboud University in Nijmegen as the keynote speaker. He will reflect on Geertz’ statement from his own experiences working in both computer science and the humanities.



  • Henk Wals (chairman of the Board of Directors of KNAW Humanities Cluster)


  • Gertjan Filarski (director of Digital Infrastructure) and Marieke van Erp (team leader of the Digital Humanities Lab)


  • Antal van den Bosch

About Research 

  • Research & Development team – Marijn Koolen
  • DHLab – Adina Nerghes

About Products 

  • Digital Infrastructure – Jauco Noordzij
  • Presentation of products made available by KNAW Humanities Cluster

Interactive session 

  • Gertjan Filarski and Marieke van Erp are interviewed by Elli Bleeker and audience

Afterward, there will be a reception.

Attendance is free, but please register in advance.