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Blécourt, dr. W. de (Willem)

gastonderzoeker etnologie




de Blécourt, W."Fantastische verhalen in veelvoud: Of: de reikwijdte van reuzen". Volkskunde. 2017, 118(3). 221-229.
de Blécourt, W."Het verhaal van de verkeerde vriendin: Heksensagen herzien". Volkskunde. 2017, 118(3). 319-342.
de Blécourt, W."Wisconsin Werewolves: Visual Narration, Cultural Adaptation and Ostensive Action". Gramarye: The Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy. 2017, 11. 34-48.


de Blécourt, W."The Flying Witch: Its Resonance in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands". Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2016, 11. 73-93.


de Blécourt, W."Eenmalige verhalen in Vlaanderen: Over het classificeren van sprookjes". Volkskunde. 2015, 116(1). 29-52.
de Blécourt, W."[Review of: Darr (2015) Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern England]". Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 2015, 132. 567-570.


de Blécourt, W."Een ketterse arts voor de heksen. Jan Wier (1515-1588)". Church History and Religious Culture. 2014. 94.
de Blécourt, W."Jack Zipes en de historische bronnen van het sprookje". Volkskunde. 2014, 115. 189-192.
de Blécourt, W."The Werewolf Pack: A Cinematic Metamorphosis". Contemporary Legend. 2014, 6. 1-16.
de Blécourt, W."Writing Witch Hunt Histories. Challenging the Paradigm". Church History and Religious Culture. 2014. 94.


de Blécourt, W."Monstrous Theories: Werewolves and the Abuse of History". Preternature: critical and historical studies on the preternatural. 2013, 2. 188-212.


de Blécourt, W."The Problem of Belief Narratives: A Very Short Introduction". ISFNR Newsletter. 2012, 6(february). 36-37.



de Blécourt, W."Fairy Grandmothers: Images of Storytelling Events in Nineteenth-century Germany". Relief: revue électronique de la littérature française. 2010, (4.2). 174-197.
de Blécourt, W."Witchcraft –Discourse and Disappearance: Württemberg and the Dutch Documentation". Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2010, (5). 103-107.


de Blécourt, W."De gouden vogel, het levenswater en de Walewein. Over de sprookjestheorie van Maartje Draak". Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. 2008, 124(4). 259-277.


de Blécourt, W."A Journey to Hell : Reconsidering the Livonian -Werewolf-". Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2007, 2. 49-67.


de Blécourt, W."Toverij in de krant". Historisch Tijdschrift Fryslân. 2013, 19(1). 16-18.


de Blécourt, W."De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van de toversprookjes". Berichten uit de Wereld van het Oude Kinderboek. 2012, 73/74. 4-5.


de Blécourt, W. "Contested Knowledge: A Historical Anthropologist's Approach to European Witchcraft". Barry, Jonathan Davies, Owen Usborne, Cornelie (ed.). Cultures of Witchcraft in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present. Palgrave. 2017. 1-22.
de Blécourt, W. "Witches on Screen". Davies, Owen (editors). The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic. Oxford University Press. 2017. 253-280.


de Blécourt, W. "The Laughing Witch: Notes on the Relationship Between Literature and History in the Early Fifteenth Century". and Nyholm Kallestrup, Louise Toivo, Raisa Maria (ed.). Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft. Palgrave. 2016. 255-277.


de Blécourt, W. "A második test fogalom maradványai: Szellemhasonmások a holland boszorkánymondákban". Test, lélek, szellemek és természetfeletti kommunikáció. Budapest: Balassi Kiado. 2015. 95-111.
de Blécourt, W. "The Case of the Cut-off Hand: Angela Carter's Werewolves in Historical Perspective". Priest, Hannah (editors). She-wolf: A cultural history of female werewolves. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2015. 148-165.
de Blécourt, W. "The Differentiated Werewolf: An Introduction to Cluster Methodology". Werewolf Histories. Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. 1-24.
de Blécourt, W. "The Witches of the Brothers Grimm". Brinker-von der Heyde, Claudia and Ehrhardt, Holger Ewers, Hans-Heino Inder, Annekatrin (ed.). Märchen, Mythen und Moderne: 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. 2015. 195-205.


de Blécourt, W. "Over gloeiigen, kaboutermennekes, heksen en twee sprookjes". and van der Maden, Frank Vermeulen, Piet (ed.). Jacques Cuijpers. Een veelzijdig meester, I.. Veldhoven: Heemkundekring Zeelst. 2014. 165-185.


de Blécourt, W. "Sabbath Stories: Towards a New History of Witches' Assemblies". The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. 84-100.
de Blécourt, W. "Wolfsmenschen". Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Walter De Gruyter. 2013. 975-986.
de Blécourt, W. "Zauberer und Schüler". Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Walter De Gruyter. 2013. 1165-1168.


de Blécourt, W. "Belief Narratives and Genre". Belief Narrative Genres. Noi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.
de Blécourt, W. "Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives". Belief Narrative Genres. Novi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.
de Blécourt, W. "Wasser des Lebens". Enzyklopädie des Märchens. 14. de Gruyter. 2012. 509-514.


de Blécourt, W. "Animal Shapeshifting: Between Literature and Everyday Life. An Introduction". and de Blécourt, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse. Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011. 7-11.
de Blécourt, W. "Metamorphosen oder Metaphern? Sprachliche und körperliche Aspekte der Tierverwandlung in den Niederlanden". and de Blécourt, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse. Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011. 69-84.
de Blécourt, W. "Vogel, Pferd und Königstochter". Enzyklopädie des Märchens. 14. 2011. 283-289.


de Blécourt, W. "The Werewolf, the Witch, and the Warlock: Aspects of Gender in the Early Modern Period". Rowlands, A. (editors). Witchcraft and Masculinities. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 2009. 191-213.


de Blécourt, W. "Der Zauberer und sein Schüler – Die Erzählung und ihr histroischer Ursprung". and Müller-Funk, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Faszination des Okkulten. Diskurse zum Übersinnlichen. Tubingen. 2008. 43-72.
de Blécourt, W. "Tabu und Kommunikation: Ansätze einer sprachlich orientierten Studie zur Abtreibung". de Blecourt, W. (editors). Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender. Amsterdam. 2008. 105-116.


de Blécourt, W. "De gebroeders Grimm : de historisering van een icoon.". van Eijnatten, J. van Lieburg, F. de Waardt, H. (ed.). Heiligen of Helden. Opstellen voor Willem Frijhoff. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 2007. 290-298.
de Blécourt, W. "Hexenfamilien – Zauber(er)geschlechter. Das Beispiel Drenthe (17.-19. Jahrhundert).". and Labouvie, E. Myrrhe, R. (ed.). Familienbande – Familienschande. Geschlechterverhältnisse in Familie und Verwandtschaft. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag. 2007. 121-145.
de Blécourt, W. "The Return of the Sabbat : Mental Archaeologies, Conjectural Histories or Political Mythologies?". and Barry, J. Davies, O. (ed.). Witchcraft Historiography. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. 125-145.


de Blécourt, W. "De bronnen van de gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes". Meder, T. (editors). Van kikvors tot droomprins. De wording van het sprookje. Hilversum: Verloren. 2013. 101-117.


de Blécourt, W. Tales of Magic, Tales in Print. On the Genealogy of Fairy Tales and the Brothers Grimm Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2012.


de Blécourt, W. et al. Verhalen van Stad en Streek: Sagen en Legenden in Nederland Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 2010.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Werewolf Histories Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Belief Narrative Genres Novi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.


de Blécourt, W. and C.A. Tuczay, editors. Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender Amsterdam: AMB. 2008.


W. de Blécourt (2015). Werevolves in Medieval Europe. 29-10-2015. (Manchester Medieval Society Lecture)


W. de Blécourt (2014). American Witches on Screen: the Genealogy of the Good Witch. 21-02-2014. (Arbeitskreis Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung)


W. de Blécourt (2013). Stories of the Sabbat. 28-06-2013. (Hexensabbat. Tagung Arbeitskreis für Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung, Weingarten)


W. de Blécourt (2012). The Brothers Grimm and Witchcraft. 19-12-2012. (Kongress Märchen Mythen und Moderne. 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen deer Brüder Grimm, Universität Kassel)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Witchcraft around 1800: Changes and Continuities. 15-11-2012. (Konferenz Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten, Universität Fribourg)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives.. 28-08-2012. (Third Conference Belief Narratives Network, Novi Sad)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Bewitchment by Body-Parts. Love Magic in Late Medieval Flanders. 25-05-2012. (Conference The Materiality of Magic, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Cologne)
W. de Blécourt (2012). De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes.. 23-05-2012. (Voorjaarsstudiedag Stichting Geschiedenis Kinder- en Jeugdliteratuur, Den Haag)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Relics of the Second Body. 19-05-2012. (Conference Body, Soul, Spirits and Supernational Communication, Pécs (Hungary))
W. de Blécourt (2012). The Werewolf in Lovers' Lane. 14-04-2012. (Folklore Society Annual General Conference: Folklore and Fantasy, Chichester)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Images of Witches: History, Fairy Tales, Film. 21-03-2012. (Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales, and Fantasy, University of Chichester)


W. de Blécourt (2011). Female Fairy Tales: the sisters behind the brothers Grimm. 11-11-2011. (Women's History Seminar, London Institute for Historical Research, London)
W. de Blécourt (2011). Handeln im Glück: Wahrsagerinnen in niederländischen Großstädten, 19.- frühes 20. Jahrhundert.. 25-02-2011. (Conferentie Wahrsagen und Hexerei, Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)


W. de Blécourt (2010). Witchcraft Before the Witch Trials. 08-11-2010. (Conference Heresy, Magic and Natural Philosophy, University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
W. de Blécourt (2010). The Case of the Cut-Off Hand: On Female Werewolves and Incest Metaphors. 10-09-2010. (Conference She-Wolf: Female Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Other Horrors in Art, Literature and Culture, University of Manchester)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Werewolves, Vampires, and Race: the Development of Modern belief Narratives. 28-06-2010. (International Conference Perspectives on Contemporary Legends, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Between History and Fantasy: the Depiction of Story-Telling Events in Nineteenth-Century German Art. 18-06-2010. (Workshop Magie de l'image, Universiteit Groningen)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Revisiting the Sabbat, or: The Dance of the Cats. 29-05-2010. (Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Genève)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Meetings on the Outside: Further Notes on the Histories of the Sabbat. 21-05-2010. (Konferenz Grenzüberschreitungen. Magieglaube und Hexenverfolgung als Kulturtransfer, L'Institute historique allemand, Paris)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Over the Threshold: Liminality, Proximity and Intimacy in Twentieth-Century Witchcraft Discourse'. 17-04-2010. (Conference From Space to Place; The Spatial Dimension in the History of Western Europe. Roehampton University/German Historical Institute, London)


W. de Blécourt (2009). Enacting Ghosts, or: How to Make the Invisible Visible. 16-12-2009. (Conference Figuring the Invisible: An Anthropology of Uncanny Encounters, University of Cambridge, dept. Social Anthropology, Cambridge)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Geloof of vertoog? Over de raakvlakken en afperkingen tussen toverij en religie. 30-10-2009. (Studiedag Toverij, bezetenheid, mirakelen. Vormen van omgaan met een andere wereld, Universiteit van Antwerpen, Antwerpen)
W. de Blécourt (2009). The Metamorphology of Fairy Tales. 26-06-2009. (15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Athene)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Als je over de duivel spreekt. 13-06-2009. (Studiedag Vertelcultuur FARO, Brussel)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Wie männlich sind Werwölfe? Fachtagung Männer, Magie und Hexenverfolgung. 27-02-2009. (Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Touching Witches and the Witches' Touch. 05-02-2009. (Seminar Society, Culture and Belief, 1400-1800, Institute of Historical Research, London)


W. de Blécourt (2010). `Zijn sprookjes fake?'. 25-04-2010. (Erfgoeddaglezing, Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Karel en het sprookje: Geschiedenis, overlevering, genre. 10-04-2010. (Société Rencesvals, Nederlandse afdeling. Utrecht)