Balkenhol, dr. M. (Markus)

Research group
Ethnology and Oral CultureBiography
Markus Balkenhol (b. 1979) is an Ethnology Researcher at the Meertens Institute. He studied anthropology and German literature at the Freie Universität Berlin and anthropology at the University of Auckland. In 2014 he received his PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for a dissertation on the commemoration of slavery in the Netherlands. His research focuses on the anthropology of colonial heritage, memory politics and religion. In the past he participated in the Dutch Research Council (NWO) project ‘Heritage Dynamics’ (2008-2012) and the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) project ‘Currents of Faith’ (2013-2016), both of which were concerned with religion and heritage in the Atlantic world. Balkenhol was previously part of the editorial team of the anthropological journal Etnofoor. He is currently a member of the External Editorial Board of the Amsterdam Museum Journal and a board member of the Dutch Association of Anthropologists (ABv).
Key publications
- 2021. Tracing Slavery. The politics of Atlantic memory in the Netherlands. Berghahn.
- 2020. The Secular Sacred. Emotions of Belonging and the Perils of Nation and Religion, with Ernst van den Hemel and Irene Stengs. Palgrave.
- contribution to journal (article)
- contribution to journal (review)
- contribution to edited volume
- working paper
- book (author)
- book (editor)
- thesis
- conference participation
- public engagement