Craenenbroeck, prof. dr. J. van (Jeroen)
Researcher Linguistics and Language Variation

Research group
Linguistics and Language VariationBiography
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (1976) is Researcher Linguistics and Language Variation at the Meertens Institute. He is also professor of Dutch Linguistics at KU Leuven. He studied Linguistics and Literature: Dutch and English at KU Leuven and got his PhD from the University of Leiden in 2004 with a dissertation about ellipsis in Dutch dialects. He is currently actively involved in research projects on imperatives and comparatives, and he is the head of the scientific research community Re-examining dialect syntax (REEDS), a network of 17 universities and research institutes across Europe and the US, including the Meertens Institute.
Key publications
- Craenenbroeck, J. van. 2022. Dutch specCP-expletives are main clause complementizers. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 25:385–416.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van, M. van Koppen, and A. van den Bosch. 2019. A quantitative-theoretical analysis of syntactic microvariation. Word order in Dutch verb clusters. Language 95(2): 333–370.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van & T. Temmerman (eds.). 2018. The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Craenenbroeck, J. van. 2010. The syntax of ellipsis: evidence from Dutch dialects. New York: Oxford University Press.
Doreleijers, K. van Craenenbroeck, J. & van Koppen, J. M. (Accepted/In press). Pronominal gender in Dutch: Apparent time change in lexical vs. semantic agreement.. Journal of Germanic Linguistics.
van Craenenbroeck, J. & van Koppen, M. (2023). Parameters and Language Contact: Morphosyntactic Variation in Dutch Dialects. Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 22, 1-25.
van Craenenbroeck, J. (2022). Dutch specCP-expletives are main clause complementizers. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 25, 385-416.
van Craenenbroeck, J. & van Koppen, M. (Accepted/In press). Subject doubling, clitic pronouns and the left periphery in Dutch dialects. Quaderni di lavoro ASIt - ASIt working papers.
Jaspers, D. van Craenenbroeck, J. & Vanden Wyngaerd, G. (2022). The syntax and semantics of Dutch diminishers. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 44, 1-24.
Corver, N. Van Craenenbroeck, J. Harwood, W. Hladnik, M. Leufkens, S. & Temmerman, T. (2019). Introduction: The compositionality and syntactic flexibility of verbal idioms. Linguistics, 57(4), 725-733.
Temmerman, T. & van Craenenbroeck, J. (2019). Over corpora, intuïties, en idiomen. Tijdschrift Voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde, 135(4), 453-464.
van Craenenbroeck, J. & van Koppen, M. (Accepted/In press). Quantitative approaches to syntactic variation. In The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax Cambridge University Press.
Grondelaers, S. & van Craenenbroeck, J. (2023). Raupen doeng 't holleken gaupen: Voedselgerelateerde idiomen in Nederlandse en Vlaamse dialecten. In J. Brouwer, M. van Erp, M. Hendriksen, R. Ibanez Martin, O. Leonhardt, & I. van Renswoude (Eds.), Wat schaft de pot?: Eetcultuur in Nederland door de jaren heen (pp. 41). (Nieuwjaarsuitgave Meertens Instituut). Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese.
Cornips, L. van Craenenbroeck, J. van der Sijs, N. & Swanenberg, J. (2023). Wat riekt het hier zwallig! Geurwoorden in het Nederlands en zijn dialecten. In I. Leemans, C. Verbeek, M. van Erp, G. Dijksterhuis, A. Groot, F. Bloem, M. W. Dagnino, & J. de Groot (Eds.), Neuswijzer: Geuratlas van de Lage Landen (pp. 163-169). Boom.
van Craenenbroeck, J. (2022). Obligatory extraposition and clausal complementation. In C. Bourgoin, L. Vandelanotte, W. Van Praet, & J.-C. Verstraete (Eds.), Signs and wonders: Liber amicorum for Kristin Davidse
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, Kyle Johnson (2023). Limits on Participant Switching in VPE. 26-04-2023. (Colloquium on generative grammar)
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, Kyle Johnson (2023). Sloppy symmetry: a derivational account of symmetric predicates. 25-04-2023. (Colloquium on generative grammar)
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, J.M. (Marjo) van Koppen (2022). Seeking order in chaos: Morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects. 16-06-2022.
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, J.M. (Marjo) van Koppen (2022). Morphosyntactic microvariation in Dutch: a quantitative‐parametric approach. 08-02-2022.