Legros, N. (Nicolas)

Research group
Ethnology and Oral CultureBiography
Nicolas Legros (1993) is a PhD student in anthropology at the Meertens Institute working under the ERC-funded project “VITALGREENHOUSE: Greenhouses as Vital Landscapes: Sustainability, Relationality, and the Future of Food,” led by Dr. Rebeca Ibáñez Martín. Situated at the nexus of decolonial thinking, environmental anthropology, and science and technology studies (STS), the project investigates the various ways sustainability is conceived and practised in horticultural greenhouses in the Netherlands and in Spain. Within VITALGREENHOUSE, Legros’s PhD research focuses on how the transition to digital technologies, as a means of achieving sustainability, is reshaping more-than-human relations in and around greenhouses. Previously, Legros completed a research master’s in social sciences at the University of Amsterdam with a thesis on more-than-human care engagements in the Dutch ecological restoration project Marker Wadden. He also holds bachelor degrees in anthropology from the University of Toulouse and in visual arts from the School of Fine Arts of Bordeaux, France.