Rummens, drs. S. H. (Sabine)

Sabine Rummens is Director of Operational Management of the Academy’s Humanities Cluster, of which the Meertens Institute forms part. She graduated in classical languages. She began her career in academia as policy officer and developed into an expert in operational management, in particular the link between education, research and operational management. She has held roles including (Deputy) Director of Facility Services at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), Head of the Education Logistics Office of UvA and HvA, and Programme Manager for Inner-City Relocation (UvA). She later served as Director of Operational Management at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). Her expertise lies in linking together operational management, research and education. She enjoys using operational management as a means of ensuring excellence in research and education.