Nine researchers from the Meertens Institute hold a position as Endowed Professor at a Dutch university. Other researchers also regularly give (guest) lectures and courses at Dutch universities and abroad.

Inger Leemans – Vrije Universiteit
Chair: Cultural history

Leonie Cornips – Maastricht University
Chair: Language culture in Limburg

Irene Stengs – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Chair: Anthropology of ritual and popular culture

Marjo van Koppen – Utrecht University
Chair: Variation linguistics

Theo Meder – University of Groningen
Chair: Folktale and narrative culture

Sophie Elpers – Antwerp University
Chair: Intangible Cultural Heritage and Ethnology

Jos Swanenberg – Tilburg University
Chair: Diversity and Language in Culture

Frans Hinskens – Radboud University
Chair: Language variation and contact

Marc van Oostendorp – Radboud University
Chair: Dutch and academic communication