A planetary food commons for healthy and sustainable diets

To protect human and planetary health, we urgently need to reform our highly unsustainable global food system. The “food as commons” approach offers a radical revisioning of food policy through a key paradigm shift: from food as an object for sale, to food as a global public good, or global commons.

This seed grant project explores the potential of the food as commons approach to deliver healthy and sustainable food for all. The funding will be used for an academic symposium on “just transitions” towards local and ‘decommodified’ food and a co-production workshop with key stakeholders in Amsterdam to operationalize the food as commons approach.

Runtime: September 2023 – September 2024
Partners: Branwyn Poleykett, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, AISSR, Anthropology; Ying-Tzu-Lin, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, AISSR, Geography; Mary Nicolaou, Amsterdam UMC, Public and Occupational Health; Wilma Waterlander, Amsterdam UMC, Public and Occupational Health; Peter van Dam, Faculty of Humanities, History Fabio de Castro, Faculty of Humanities, CEDLA