Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) institutes form Humanities Cluster
From 1 October 2016, the Meertens Institute, the Huygens ING institute and the International Institute of Social History will form the KNAW Humanities Cluster. The establishment of the Cluster is the institutes’ way of responding to international developments in humanities research.
The goal of this collaboration is to strengthen innovative, interdisciplinary, humanities research on important scientific and social topics.
The KNAW Humanities Cluster is also building a digital infrastructure that will further humanities research through methodological support. The KNAW Cluster will jointly collect, develop, manage and make available data sets, digital collections and related services as part of the national infrastructure for humanities research.
The institutes will have a common business office and shared service departments such as human resources, finance, building management and IT. The institutes will maintain their own identities and will continue to conduct research and document research in their own fields.
Huygens ING and the Meertens Institute have moved to the centre of Amsterdam for this alliance. They are situated in the Spinhuis. The IISH will stay at their Cruquiusweg location due to the size of the institute’s archive and library.
Visiting address Operational Office KNAW HuC
Korte Spinhuissteeg 3
1012 CG Amsterdam
Postal adress Operational Office KNAW HuC
Postbus 10855
1001 EW Amsterdam
Visiting address Meertens Instituut
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185
1012 DK Amsterdam
Postal address Meertens Instituut
Postbus 10855
1001 EW Amsterdam
Photos by Gert Jan van Rooij