Sjef Barbiers

Course Microvariation in Syntactic Doubling – by Sjef Barbiers – at the international fall school in linguistics EALING, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Sept. 22-25 – 2008.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

CLARIN -MIMORE – three integrated databases on Dutch dialects

Unpublished papers:

Barbiers, S, submitted, Geography and Cartography of the Left-Periphery: The Case of Dutch and German Imperatives.
Barbiers, S. (2012). Where's syntactic variation? To appear in: P. Auer et al (eds) Language Variation. John Benjamins.
Koeneman, O. , M. Lekakou and S. Barbiers (2011). Perfect Doubling. To appear in: Linguistic Variation [version February 2011]
Barbiers, S. (submitted). Syntactic Doubling and Deletion as a Source of Variation. In C. Picallo (ed.) Linguistic Variation in the Minimalist Framework. OUP. (unpublished version October 2010).
Barbiers, S. (2009). Verb clusters and the Grammar of the Right-Periphery. Unpublished paper.

Publications before 2000:

(see link for publications as of 2000)

Barbiers, S. (1999). Intermediate landing sites. In GLOT International 4 (7).
Barbiers, S. and J. Rooryck (1998). On the Interpretation of there in existentials. In K.N. Shahin et al. (eds) Proceedings of WCCFL XVII, Vancouver 1998.
Barbiers, S. (1998). English and Dutch as SOV-languages and the distribution of CP-complements. In R. van Bezooijen en R. Kager (eds.) Linguistics in the Netherlands, 13-25.
Barbiers, S. (1998). Gaps and Remnants. In S. Barbiers et al. (eds) Small Words in the Big Picture, Squibs for Hans Bennis, 1-6.
Barbiers, S. (1997). Over modaliteit, polariteit en transities. In: TABU 27 (4), 129-140.
Barbiers, S. (1996a). Economy of Interpretation. In A. Arregui en C. Cremers (eds.) HIL Occasional
Working Papers.
Barbiers, S. (1996). Complementen van modale werkwoorden. In Nederlandse taalkunde 1-2, 135-154.
Barbiers, S. (1995b). Focus partikels en successief cyclische verplaatsing. In TABU 25 (3), 117-120.
Barbiers, S. (1995a): The syntax of interpretation. Diss. Leiden. Den Haag: HAG.
Barbiers, S. (1995). Another case of scrambling. In: Linguistics in the Netherlands 1995, 13-24.
Barbiers, S. (1994). Taalkunde en taalonderwijs volgens Hoogvliet. In: Forum der Letteren 35 (1994) 209-223.
Doetjes, J. en S. Barbiers (1993). Constructions full of differences II. In: Totally affected, a collection of
twelve short articles by students of Teun Hoekstra, 17-18. Leiden.
Barbiers, S. en J. Doetjes (1993). Constructions full of differences I. In: Totally affected, a collection of twelve short articles by students of Teun Hoekstra, 9-10. Leiden.
Barbiers, S. (1993). Verb first, specifier final. In: HIL Manuscripts 1.3 (1993), 16-30.
Barbiers, S. (1992). Adjectives as auxiliaries of the noun phrase (1992). In: Linguistics in the Netherlands
1992 , 13-24.
Barbiers, S., M. Honcoop en J. Voskuil (1988). De acquisitie van pronomina. In: GLOT 1988 (11), 219-241.