Blécourt, dr. W. de (Willem)

Gastonderzoeker etnologie



de Blécourt, W.“Fantastische verhalen in veelvoud: Of: de reikwijdte van reuzen”. Volkskunde. 2017, 118(3). 221-229.
de Blécourt, W.“Het verhaal van de verkeerde vriendin: Heksensagen herzien”. Volkskunde. 2017, 118(3). 319-342.
de Blécourt, W.“Wisconsin Werewolves: Visual Narration, Cultural Adaptation and Ostensive Action”. Gramarye: The Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy. 2017, 11. 34-48.


de Blécourt, W.“The Flying Witch: Its Resonance in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands”. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2016, 11. 73-93.


de Blécourt, W.“[Review of: Darr (2015) Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern England]”. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. 2015, 132. 567-570.


de Blécourt, W.“Een ketterse arts voor de heksen. Jan Wier (1515-1588)”. Church History and Religious Culture. 2014. 94.
de Blécourt, W.“Jack Zipes en de historische bronnen van het sprookje”. Volkskunde. 2014, 115. 189-192.
de Blécourt, W.“The Werewolf Pack: A Cinematic Metamorphosis”. Contemporary Legend. 2014, 6. 1-16.
de Blécourt, W.“Writing Witch Hunt Histories. Challenging the Paradigm”. Church History and Religious Culture. 2014. 94.


de Blécourt, W.“Monstrous Theories: Werewolves and the Abuse of History”. Preternature: critical and historical studies on the preternatural. 2013, 2. 188-212.


de Blécourt, W.“The Problem of Belief Narratives: A Very Short Introduction”. ISFNR Newsletter. 2012, 6(february). 36-37.



de Blécourt, W.“Fairy Grandmothers: Images of Storytelling Events in Nineteenth-century Germany”. Relief: revue électronique de la littérature française. 2010, (4.2). 174-197.
de Blécourt, W.“Witchcraft –Discourse and Disappearance: Württemberg and the Dutch Documentation”. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2010, (5). 103-107.


de Blécourt, W.“De gouden vogel, het levenswater en de Walewein. Over de sprookjestheorie van Maartje Draak”. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. 2008, 124(4). 259-277.


de Blécourt, W.“A Journey to Hell : Reconsidering the Livonian -Werewolf-“. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 2007, 2. 49-67.


de Blécourt, W.“Toverij in de krant”. Historisch Tijdschrift Fryslân. 2013, 19(1). 16-18.


de Blécourt, W.“De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van de toversprookjes”. Berichten uit de Wereld van het Oude Kinderboek. 2012, 73/74. 4-5.


de Blécourt, W. “Contested Knowledge: A Historical Anthropologist’s Approach to European Witchcraft”. Barry, Jonathan Davies, Owen Usborne, Cornelie (ed.). Cultures of Witchcraft in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present. Palgrave. 2017. 1-22.
de Blécourt, W. “Witches on Screen”. Davies, Owen (editors). The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic. Oxford University Press. 2017. 253-280.


de Blécourt, W. “The Laughing Witch: Notes on the Relationship Between Literature and History in the Early Fifteenth Century”. and Nyholm Kallestrup, Louise Toivo, Raisa Maria (ed.). Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft. Palgrave. 2016. 255-277.


de Blécourt, W. “A második test fogalom maradványai: Szellemhasonmások a holland boszorkánymondákban”. Test, lélek, szellemek és természetfeletti kommunikáció. Budapest: Balassi Kiado. 2015. 95-111.
de Blécourt, W. “The Case of the Cut-off Hand: Angela Carter’s Werewolves in Historical Perspective”. Priest, Hannah (editors). She-wolf: A cultural history of female werewolves. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2015. 148-165.
de Blécourt, W. “The Differentiated Werewolf: An Introduction to Cluster Methodology”. Werewolf Histories. Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. 1-24.
de Blécourt, W. “The Witches of the Brothers Grimm”. Brinker-von der Heyde, Claudia and Ehrhardt, Holger Ewers, Hans-Heino Inder, Annekatrin (ed.). Märchen, Mythen und Moderne: 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. 2015. 195-205.


de Blécourt, W. “Over gloeiigen, kaboutermennekes, heksen en twee sprookjes”. and van der Maden, Frank Vermeulen, Piet (ed.). Jacques Cuijpers. Een veelzijdig meester, I.. Veldhoven: Heemkundekring Zeelst. 2014. 165-185.


de Blécourt, W. “Sabbath Stories: Towards a New History of Witches’ Assemblies”. The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. 84-100.
de Blécourt, W. “Wolfsmenschen”. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Walter De Gruyter. 2013. 975-986.
de Blécourt, W. “Zauberer und Schüler”. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. Walter De Gruyter. 2013. 1165-1168.


de Blécourt, W. “Belief Narratives and Genre”. Belief Narrative Genres. Noi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.
de Blécourt, W. “Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives”. Belief Narrative Genres. Novi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.
de Blécourt, W. “Wasser des Lebens”. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. 14. de Gruyter. 2012. 509-514.


de Blécourt, W. “Animal Shapeshifting: Between Literature and Everyday Life. An Introduction”. and de Blécourt, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse. Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011. 7-11.
de Blécourt, W. “Metamorphosen oder Metaphern? Sprachliche und körperliche Aspekte der Tierverwandlung in den Niederlanden”. and de Blécourt, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse. Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011. 69-84.
de Blécourt, W. “Vogel, Pferd und Königstochter”. Enzyklopädie des Märchens. 14. 2011. 283-289.


de Blécourt, W. “The Werewolf, the Witch, and the Warlock: Aspects of Gender in the Early Modern Period”. Rowlands, A. (editors). Witchcraft and Masculinities. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 2009. 191-213.


de Blécourt, W. “Der Zauberer und sein Schüler – Die Erzählung und ihr histroischer Ursprung”. and Müller-Funk, W. Tuczay, C.A. (ed.). Faszination des Okkulten. Diskurse zum Übersinnlichen. Tubingen. 2008. 43-72.
de Blécourt, W. “Tabu und Kommunikation: Ansätze einer sprachlich orientierten Studie zur Abtreibung”. de Blecourt, W. (editors). Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender. Amsterdam. 2008. 105-116.


de Blécourt, W. “De gebroeders Grimm : de historisering van een icoon.”. van Eijnatten, J. van Lieburg, F. de Waardt, H. (ed.). Heiligen of Helden. Opstellen voor Willem Frijhoff. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 2007. 290-298.
de Blécourt, W. “Hexenfamilien – Zauber(er)geschlechter. Das Beispiel Drenthe (17.-19. Jahrhundert).”. and Labouvie, E. Myrrhe, R. (ed.). Familienbande – Familienschande. Geschlechterverhältnisse in Familie und Verwandtschaft. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag. 2007. 121-145.
de Blécourt, W. “The Return of the Sabbat : Mental Archaeologies, Conjectural Histories or Political Mythologies?”. and Barry, J. Davies, O. (ed.). Witchcraft Historiography. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. 125-145.


de Blécourt, W. “De bronnen van de gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes”. Meder, T. (editors). Van kikvors tot droomprins. De wording van het sprookje. Hilversum: Verloren. 2013. 101-117.


de Blécourt, W. Tales of Magic, Tales in Print. On the Genealogy of Fairy Tales and the Brothers Grimm Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2012.


de Blécourt, W. et al. Verhalen van Stad en Streek: Sagen en Legenden in Nederland Amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 2010.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Werewolf Histories Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Belief Narrative Genres Novi Sad: International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 2012.


de Blécourt, W. and C.A. Tuczay, editors. Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse Tübingen: Francke Verlag. 2011.


de Blécourt, W. editors. Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender Amsterdam: AMB. 2008.


W. de Blécourt (2015). Werevolves in Medieval Europe. 29-10-2015. (Manchester Medieval Society Lecture)


W. de Blécourt (2014). American Witches on Screen: the Genealogy of the Good Witch. 21-02-2014. (Arbeitskreis Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung)


W. de Blécourt (2013). Stories of the Sabbat. 28-06-2013. (Hexensabbat. Tagung Arbeitskreis für Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung, Weingarten)


W. de Blécourt (2012). The Brothers Grimm and Witchcraft. 19-12-2012. (Kongress Märchen Mythen und Moderne. 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen deer Brüder Grimm, Universität Kassel)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Witchcraft around 1800: Changes and Continuities. 15-11-2012. (Konferenz Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten, Universität Fribourg)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives.. 28-08-2012. (Third Conference Belief Narratives Network, Novi Sad)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Bewitchment by Body-Parts. Love Magic in Late Medieval Flanders. 25-05-2012. (Conference The Materiality of Magic, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Cologne)
W. de Blécourt (2012). De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes.. 23-05-2012. (Voorjaarsstudiedag Stichting Geschiedenis Kinder- en Jeugdliteratuur, Den Haag)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Relics of the Second Body. 19-05-2012. (Conference Body, Soul, Spirits and Supernational Communication, Pécs (Hungary))
W. de Blécourt (2012). The Werewolf in Lovers’ Lane. 14-04-2012. (Folklore Society Annual General Conference: Folklore and Fantasy, Chichester)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Images of Witches: History, Fairy Tales, Film. 21-03-2012. (Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales, and Fantasy, University of Chichester)


W. de Blécourt (2011). Female Fairy Tales: the sisters behind the brothers Grimm. 11-11-2011. (Women’s History Seminar, London Institute for Historical Research, London)
W. de Blécourt (2011). Handeln im Glück: Wahrsagerinnen in niederländischen Großstädten, 19.- frühes 20. Jahrhundert.. 25-02-2011. (Conferentie Wahrsagen und Hexerei, Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)


W. de Blécourt (2010). Witchcraft Before the Witch Trials. 08-11-2010. (Conference Heresy, Magic and Natural Philosophy, University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
W. de Blécourt (2010). The Case of the Cut-Off Hand: On Female Werewolves and Incest Metaphors. 10-09-2010. (Conference She-Wolf: Female Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Other Horrors in Art, Literature and Culture, University of Manchester)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Werewolves, Vampires, and Race: the Development of Modern belief Narratives. 28-06-2010. (International Conference Perspectives on Contemporary Legends, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Between History and Fantasy: the Depiction of Story-Telling Events in Nineteenth-Century German Art. 18-06-2010. (Workshop Magie de l’image, Universiteit Groningen)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Revisiting the Sabbat, or: The Dance of the Cats. 29-05-2010. (Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Genève)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Meetings on the Outside: Further Notes on the Histories of the Sabbat. 21-05-2010. (Konferenz Grenzüberschreitungen. Magieglaube und Hexenverfolgung als Kulturtransfer, L’Institute historique allemand, Paris)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Over the Threshold: Liminality, Proximity and Intimacy in Twentieth-Century Witchcraft Discourse’. 17-04-2010. (Conference From Space to Place; The Spatial Dimension in the History of Western Europe. Roehampton University/German Historical Institute, London)


W. de Blécourt (2009). Enacting Ghosts, or: How to Make the Invisible Visible. 16-12-2009. (Conference Figuring the Invisible: An Anthropology of Uncanny Encounters, University of Cambridge, dept. Social Anthropology, Cambridge)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Geloof of vertoog? Over de raakvlakken en afperkingen tussen toverij en religie. 30-10-2009. (Studiedag Toverij, bezetenheid, mirakelen. Vormen van omgaan met een andere wereld, Universiteit van Antwerpen, Antwerpen)
W. de Blécourt (2009). The Metamorphology of Fairy Tales. 26-06-2009. (15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Athene)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Als je over de duivel spreekt. 13-06-2009. (Studiedag Vertelcultuur FARO, Brussel)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Wie männlich sind Werwölfe? Fachtagung Männer, Magie und Hexenverfolgung. 27-02-2009. (Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Touching Witches and the Witches’ Touch. 05-02-2009. (Seminar Society, Culture and Belief, 1400-1800, Institute of Historical Research, London)


W. de Blécourt (2010). `Zijn sprookjes fake?’. 25-04-2010. (Erfgoeddaglezing, Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Karel en het sprookje: Geschiedenis, overlevering, genre. 10-04-2010. (Société Rencesvals, Nederlandse afdeling. Utrecht)



de Blécourt, W. (2020). The Animal Gender. Genesis : Rivista della Società italiana delle storiche, 19, 45-65.
de Blécourt, W. (2020). The Flying Charm: To Cologne in the Wine Cellar. On the History of a Scholarly Legend. Incantatio : An International Journal on Charms, Charmers and Charming , 8, 9-28.
de Blécourt, W. (2020). Werewolf Studies. Gramarye: The Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy, 18, 84-102.


de Blécourt, W. (2017). Fantastische verhalen in veelvoud: Of: de reikwijdte van reuzen. Volkskunde, 118(3), 221-229.
de Blécourt, W. (2017). Het verhaal van de verkeerde vriendin: Heksensagen herzien. Volkskunde, 118(3), 319-342.
de Blécourt, W. (2017). Wisconsin Werewolves: Visual Narration, Cultural Adaptation and Ostensive Action. Gramarye: The Journal of the Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy, 11, 34-48.


de Blécourt, W. (2016). The Flying Witch: Its Resonance in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft, 11, 73-93.


de Blécourt, W. (2015). Eenmalige verhalen in Vlaanderen: Over het classificeren van sprookjes. Volkskunde, 116(1), 29-52.


de Blécourt, W. (2014). Jack Zipes en de historische bronnen van het sprookje. Volkskunde, 115, 189-192.
de Blécourt, W. (2014). The Werewolf Pack: A Cinematic Metamorphosis. Contemporary Legend, 6, 1-16.


de Blécourt, W. (2013). Monstrous Theories: Werewolves and the Abuse of History. Preternature: critical and historical studies on the preternatural, 2, 188-212.


de Blécourt, W. (2012). The Problem of Belief Narratives: A Very Short Introduction. ISFNR Newsletter, 6(february), 36-37.




de Blécourt, W. (2008). De gouden vogel, het levenswater en de Walewein. Over de sprookjestheorie van Maartje Draak. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, 124(4), 259-277.



de Blécourt, W. (2015). [Review of: Darr (2015) Marks of an Absolute Witch: Evidentiary Dilemmas in Early Modern England]. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung, 132, 567-570.


de Blécourt, W. (2014). Een ketterse arts voor de heksen. Jan Wier (1515-1588). Church History and Religious Culture, 94.
de Blécourt, W. (2014). Writing Witch Hunt Histories. Challenging the Paradigm. Church History and Religious Culture, 94.




de Blécourt, W. (2013). Toverij in de krant. Historisch Tijdschrift Fryslân, 19(1), 16-18.


de Blécourt, W. (2012). De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van de toversprookjes. Berichten uit de Wereld van het Oude Kinderboek, 73/74, 4-5.


de Blécourt, W. (2022). The mystery of the cow's leg. In S. Fabian, & M. Fingerhut-Säck (Eds.), Der Mensch in der Neuzeit Alltag – Körper – Emotionen: Festschrift für Eva Labouvie zum 65. Geburtstag Böhlau Verlag.


de Blécourt, W. (2017). Contested Knowledge: A Historical Anthropologist's Approach to European Witchcraft. In J. Barry, O. Davies, & C. Usborne (Eds.), Cultures of Witchcraft in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present (pp. 1-22). Palgrave.
de Blécourt, W. (2017). Witches on Screen. In O. Davies (Ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic (pp. 253-280). Oxford University Press.


de Blécourt, W. (2016). The Laughing Witch: Notes on the Relationship Between Literature and History in the Early Fifteenth Century. In L. Nyholm Kallestrup, & R. M. Toivo (Eds.), Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft (pp. 255-277). Palgrave.


de Blécourt, W. (2015). A második test fogalom maradványai: Szellemhasonmások a holland boszorkánymondákban. In Test, lélek, szellemek és természetfeletti kommunikáció (pp. 95-111). Balassi Kiado.
de Blécourt, W. (2015). The Case of the Cut-off Hand: Angela Carter's Werewolves in Historical Perspective. In H. Priest (Ed.), She-wolf: A cultural history of female werewolves (pp. 148-165). Manchester University Press.
de Blécourt, W. (2015). The Differentiated Werewolf: An Introduction to Cluster Methodology. In Werewolf Histories (pp. 1-24). (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic). Palgrave Macmillan.
de Blécourt, W. (2015). The Witches of the Brothers Grimm. In C. Brinker-von der Heyde, H. Ehrhardt, H.-H. Ewers, & A. Inder (Eds.), Märchen, Mythen und Moderne: 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm (pp. 195-205). Peter Lang.


de Blécourt, W. (2014). Over gloeiigen, kaboutermennekes, heksen en twee sprookjes. In F. van der Maden, & P. Vermeulen (Eds.), Jacques Cuijpers. Een veelzijdig meester, I. (pp. 165-185). Heemkundekring Zeelst Schrijft Geschiedenis.


de Blécourt, W. (2013). Sabbath Stories: Towards a New History of Witches' Assemblies. In The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America (pp. 84-100). Oxford University Press.
de Blécourt, W. (2013). Wolfsmenschen. In Enzyklopädie des Märchens (Vol. 14, pp. 975-986). Walter De Gruyter.
de Blécourt, W. (2013). Zauberer und Schüler. In Enzyklopädie des Märchens (Vol. 14, pp. 1165-1168). Walter De Gruyter.


de Blécourt, W. (2012). Belief Narratives and Genre. In Belief Narrative Genres International Society for Folk Narrative Research.
de Blécourt, W. (2012). Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives. In Belief Narrative Genres International Society for Folk Narrative Research.
de Blécourt, W. (2012). Wasser des Lebens. In Enzyklopädie des Märchens (Vol. 2, pp. 509-514). (14). de Gruyter.


de Blécourt, W. (2011). Animal Shapeshifting: Between Literature and Everyday Life. An Introduction. In W. de Blécourt, & C. A. Tuczay (Eds.), Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse (pp. 7-11). Francke Verlag.
de Blécourt, W. (2011). Metamorphosen oder Metaphern? Sprachliche und körperliche Aspekte der Tierverwandlung in den Niederlanden. In W. de Blécourt, & C. A. Tuczay (Eds.), Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse (pp. 69-84). Francke Verlag.
de Blécourt, W. (2011). Vogel, Pferd und Königstochter. In Enzyklopädie des Märchens (pp. 283-289). (14).


de Blécourt, W. (2009). The Werewolf, the Witch, and the Warlock: Aspects of Gender in the Early Modern Period. In A. Rowlands (Ed.), Witchcraft and Masculinities (pp. 191-213). Palgrave.


de Blécourt, W. (2008). Der Zauberer und sein Schüler - Die Erzählung und ihr histroischer Ursprung. In W. Müller-Funk, & C. A. Tuczay (Eds.), Faszination des Okkulten. Diskurse zum Übersinnlichen (pp. 43-72). Tubingen.
de Blécourt, W. (2008). Tabu und Kommunikation: Ansätze einer sprachlich orientierten Studie zur Abtreibung. In W. de Blecourt (Ed.), Sisters of Subversion: Histories of Women, Tales of Gender (pp. 105-116).


de Blécourt, W. (2007). De gebroeders Grimm : de historisering van een icoon. In J. van Eijnatten, F. van Lieburg, & H. de Waardt (Eds.), Heiligen of Helden. Opstellen voor Willem Frijhoff (pp. 290-298). Bert Bakker.
de Blécourt, W. (2007). Hexenfamilien - Zauber(er)geschlechter. Das Beispiel Drenthe (17.-19. Jahrhundert). In E. Labouvie, & R. Myrrhe (Eds.), Familienbande - Familienschande. Geschlechterverhältnisse in Familie und Verwandtschaft (pp. 121-145). Böhlau Verlag.
de Blécourt, W. (2007). The Return of the Sabbat : Mental Archaeologies, Conjectural Histories or Political Mythologies? In J. Barry, & O. Davies (Eds.), Witchcraft Historiography (pp. 125-145). Palgrave Macmillan.


de Blécourt, W. (2013). De bronnen van de gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes. In T. Meder (Ed.), Van kikvors tot droomprins. De wording van het sprookje (pp. 101-117). Verloren.



de Blécourt, W. Koman, R. A. van der Kooi, J. & Meder, T. (2010). Verhalen van Stad en Streek: Sagen en Legenden in Nederland. Bert Bakker.


de Blécourt, W. (Ed.) (2015). Werewolf Histories. (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic). Palgrave Macmillan.


de Blécourt, W. (Ed.) (2012). Belief Narrative Genres. International Society for Folk Narrative Research.


de Blécourt, W. & Tuczay, C. A. (Eds.) (2011). Tierverwandlungen: Codierungen und Diskurse. Francke Verlag.



W. de Blécourt (2015). Werevolves in Medieval Europe. 29-10-2015. (Manchester Medieval Society Lecture)


W. de Blécourt (2014). American Witches on Screen: the Genealogy of the Good Witch. 21-02-2014. (Arbeitskreis Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung)


W. de Blécourt (2013). Stories of the Sabbat. 28-06-2013. (Hexensabbat. Tagung Arbeitskreis für Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung, Weingarten)


W. de Blécourt (2012). The Brothers Grimm and Witchcraft. 19-12-2012. (Kongress Märchen Mythen und Moderne. 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen deer Brüder Grimm, Universität Kassel)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Witchcraft around 1800: Changes and Continuities. 15-11-2012. (Konferenz Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten, Universität Fribourg)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Fairy Tales as Belief Narratives.. 28-08-2012. (Third Conference Belief Narratives Network, Novi Sad)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Bewitchment by Body-Parts. Love Magic in Late Medieval Flanders. 25-05-2012. (Conference The Materiality of Magic, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, Cologne)
W. de Blécourt (2012). De bronnen van de Gebroeders Grimm. Over de herkomst van toversprookjes.. 23-05-2012. (Voorjaarsstudiedag Stichting Geschiedenis Kinder- en Jeugdliteratuur, Den Haag)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Relics of the Second Body. 19-05-2012. (Conference Body, Soul, Spirits and Supernational Communication, Pécs (Hungary))
W. de Blécourt (2012). The Werewolf in Lovers' Lane. 14-04-2012. (Folklore Society Annual General Conference: Folklore and Fantasy, Chichester)
W. de Blécourt (2012). Images of Witches: History, Fairy Tales, Film. 21-03-2012. (Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairy Tales, and Fantasy, University of Chichester)


W. de Blécourt (2011). Female Fairy Tales: the sisters behind the brothers Grimm. 11-11-2011. (Women's History Seminar, London Institute for Historical Research, London)
W. de Blécourt (2011). Handeln im Glück: Wahrsagerinnen in niederländischen Großstädten, 19.- frühes 20. Jahrhundert.. 25-02-2011. (Conferentie Wahrsagen und Hexerei, Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)


W. de Blécourt (2010). Witchcraft Before the Witch Trials. 08-11-2010. (Conference Heresy, Magic and Natural Philosophy, University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
W. de Blécourt (2010). The Case of the Cut-Off Hand: On Female Werewolves and Incest Metaphors. 10-09-2010. (Conference She-Wolf: Female Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Other Horrors in Art, Literature and Culture, University of Manchester)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Werewolves, Vampires, and Race: the Development of Modern belief Narratives. 28-06-2010. (International Conference Perspectives on Contemporary Legends, Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Between History and Fantasy: the Depiction of Story-Telling Events in Nineteenth-Century German Art. 18-06-2010. (Workshop Magie de l'image, Universiteit Groningen)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Revisiting the Sabbat, or: The Dance of the Cats. 29-05-2010. (Sixteenth Century Society Conference, Genève)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Meetings on the Outside: Further Notes on the Histories of the Sabbat. 21-05-2010. (Konferenz Grenzüberschreitungen. Magieglaube und Hexenverfolgung als Kulturtransfer, L'Institute historique allemand, Paris)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Over the Threshold: Liminality, Proximity and Intimacy in Twentieth-Century Witchcraft Discourse'. 17-04-2010. (Conference From Space to Place; The Spatial Dimension in the History of Western Europe. Roehampton University/German Historical Institute, London)


W. de Blécourt (2009). Enacting Ghosts, or: How to Make the Invisible Visible. 16-12-2009. (Conference Figuring the Invisible: An Anthropology of Uncanny Encounters, University of Cambridge, dept. Social Anthropology, Cambridge)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Geloof of vertoog? Over de raakvlakken en afperkingen tussen toverij en religie. 30-10-2009. (Studiedag Toverij, bezetenheid, mirakelen. Vormen van omgaan met een andere wereld, Universiteit van Antwerpen, Antwerpen)
W. de Blécourt (2009). The Metamorphology of Fairy Tales. 26-06-2009. (15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Athene)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Als je over de duivel spreekt. 13-06-2009. (Studiedag Vertelcultuur FARO, Brussel)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Wie männlich sind Werwölfe? Fachtagung Männer, Magie und Hexenverfolgung. 27-02-2009. (Arbeitskreis Interdisciplinäre Hexenforschung, Stuttgart)
W. de Blécourt (2009). Touching Witches and the Witches' Touch. 05-02-2009. (Seminar Society, Culture and Belief, 1400-1800, Institute of Historical Research, London)


W. de Blécourt (2010). `Zijn sprookjes fake?'. 25-04-2010. (Erfgoeddaglezing, Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge)
W. de Blécourt (2010). Karel en het sprookje: Geschiedenis, overlevering, genre. 10-04-2010. (Société Rencesvals, Nederlandse afdeling. Utrecht)