28 juni – 1 juli 2010
Perspectives on Contemporary Legend
Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam
click here for the last directions
International Society for Contemporary Legend Research
Twenty-eighth International Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 28 – July 1, 2010
that the 2010 Perspectives on Contemporary Legend Twenty-eighth International Conference
is to be held at the Meertens Instituut in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
from Monday morning June 28 until Thursday afternoon July 1.
Call for Papers
are sought, as are those on any legend or legend-like tradition
that circulate actively at present or have circulated at an earlier historical period.
Previous discussions have ranged in focus from the ancient to the modern
(including Internet-lore) and have covered diverse cultures worldwide
(including our own academic world).
The 2010 meeting will be organized as a series of seminars
at which the majority of those who attend will present papers
and/or contribute to discussion sessions.
Concurrent sessions will be avoided so that all participants can hear all the papers.
Proposals for special panels of papers, discussion sessions
and other related events are encouraged.
All presentations will be limited to 20 minutes,
so that there will be another ten minutes time for discussion.
To participate in the conference, please fill in and fax the registration form below,
and e-mail a title and abstract (250-300 words)
to the organizers at the address below by 1st February 2010.
Conference Location
Technical equipment for Powerpoint presentations
will be available in the symposium room throughout the conference.
It will be possible to show overhead sheets,
play CDs and DVDs.
If you have other technical requirements,
please contact the organizers.
For more information on the Meertens Instituut: www.meertens.nl
Conference Schedule
starting off with breakfast at the Meertens between 8.00 and 9.00 AM,
registration and welcome between 9.00 and 10.00 AM.
Lunch will be served at the Meertens around noon.
Presentations between 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM, followed by drinks.
• Tuesday, 29 June 2010 will be another full conference day.
Breakfast, coffee, lunch and tea at the Meertens again.
In the evening, between 8.00 and 10.00 PM there will be a movie presentation.
• Wednesday, 30 June 2010 will be our last full conference day.
Breakfast, coffee, lunch and tea at the Meertens again.
At 4.00 PM there will be the Annual General Meeting
and Closing Discussion, followed by drinks.
• Thursday, 1 July 2010 will offer you an optional guided legend tour,
through the inner city of Amsterdam by foot.
We’ll start with breakfast at the Meertens and then travel to the inner city.
(No lunches at the Meertens today)
Travel Information
The Meertens can be reached by taxi from the airport or any train station as well.
Registration Fee
• for ISCLR members
60 euros or
90 US dollars
• for non-ISCLR members
90 euros or
130 US dollars
Please fill in the Registration form to pay your registration fee by credit card.
(Due to the high costs involved in the Netherlands, we can’t accept cheques)
The fee includes the conference pack with programme,
breakfasts, coffees, teas and lunches at the Meertens during the conference days,
opening and closing drinks, movie night and guided legend tour.
The registration fee does not include dinners.
where participants can stay and have dinner together.
The Mercure Hotel is situated at the Joan Muyskenweg 10 in Amsterdam,
a seven minutes walk away from the Meertens Instituut (Joan Muyskenweg 25).
For more information about the hotel, click here.
Booking the Mercure Hotel will be done by filling in the registration form.
Rooms at the hotel will cost about 120 euros a night.
The hotel can be reached by public transport:
the same Travel Information above applies for the Mercure Hotel as well.
Travel by taxi is more comfortable, but taxis are expensive in the Netherlands.
For addresses of alternative lodging please contact the organizers.
Since the conference starts on Monday morning,
you may want to check into the hotel on Sunday.
Submission, information or advice
Abstracts, information on papers | Practical information, travel advice |
Theo Meder | Hetty Garcia |
Meertens Instituut | Meertens Instituut |
Joan Muyskenweg 25 | Joan Muyskenweg 25 |
1096 CJ Amsterdam | 1096 CJ Amsterdam |
The Netherlands | The Netherlands |
Office Phone: +31 20 4628 558 | Office Phone: +31 20 4628 540 |
Office Fax: +31 20 4628 555 | Office Fax: +31 20 4628 555 |
E-mail: theo.meder@meertens.knaw.nl | E-mail: hetty.garcia@meertens.knaw.nl |
Check list
– fax registration form (conference payment and hotel booking)
– e-mail title and abstract