Leonie Cornips


Research Interests


  • Linguistic construction of local and social identities
  • Linguistic variation in ‘old’ and ‘new’ non-standard varieties of Dutch: new regional varieties in Limburg, hybrid varieties of Dutch


  • Bilingual child acquisition (2L1/child L2)


  • Syntactic elicitation of dialect features

Syntactic variation

  • Grammatical gender, argument structure: double objects and reflexives, DO-support and verbal clusters


  • PhD-kandidaat Sara Atwater ‘Herinneringspraktijken van het mijnwerkersverleden in Heerlen en Alsdorf; 1-02-2020 tot 1-02-2024. Gefinancierd door Cofund.
  • PhD-kandidaat Marie Rickert ‘Meertalige peuterspeelzalen/Kindergarten in het grensgebied’; 1-02-2020 tot 1-02-2024. Gefinancierd door Cofund.
  • PhD-kandidaat Ilias Alami ‘Sociale identiteitsconstructie onder (Marokkaanse) jongeren in Limburg door taalgebruik’; 1-1-2018 tot 31-12-2022. Gefinancierd door NWO.
  • PhD-kandidaat Daan Hovens ‘Meertaligheid op de werkplek: het gebruik van Nederlands en Duits in the Maas-Rijn Euregio’; 1-1-2017 tot 31-12-2020, Gefinancierd door ITEM.
  • PhD-kandidaat Pomme van de Weerd ‘Normativity and voice in peripheral areas: Limburg in the era of superdiversity’; 1-09-2016 tot 31-08-2019. Gefinancierd door NWO-MAGW.
  • PhD-kandidaat Lysbeth Jongbloed ‘Het gebruik van Fries op sociale media’; 01.11.2015 tot 01.11.2019. Gefinancierd door Fryske Akademie & UM/FASoS.
  • PhD-kandidaat Nantke Pecht ‘Speaking Cité Duits in a coalminers’ neighborhood: The construction and reproduction of social identities through language practices’; 01.09.2015 tot 31.12.2019. Gefinancierd door DAAD & NWO-GW. Zie artikel in NRC Handelsblad.
  • PhD-kandidaat Jolien Makkinga ‘Wellbeing and Social integration of (communicatively impaired) bilinguals/bidialectals. Advancing the European Multilingual Experience (ATheme’; 01.08.2014 tot 01.07.2018. Gefinancierd door EU FP7/Meertens Instituut (KNAW)/UM. Zie artikel in Observant en de Podcast.
  • MA Kirsten van den Heuij. Junior Onderzoeker ‘Cognitive development of bilingual dialect speaking children in Limburg’; 01-02-2014 tot 01-07-2017. Gefinancierd door SWOL, Raod veur ’t Limburgs, Meertens Instituut, UU, UvA, FASoS, Taalcultuur in Limburg.
  • Lotte Thissen. Proefschrift Talking in and out of place: ethnographic reflections on language, place and (un)belonging verdedigd op 11-01-2018. Gefinancierd door de provincie Limburg/FASoS UM.


  • 2012-2014: Dr. Anna Strycharz (Postdoc Meertens Institute). Rubicon grant: Dialect levelling in an expatriate community? Exploring Japanese negation in the Netherlands. (supervision). See: /?p=141209
  • 2008-2010: EARLY CHILD BILINGUALISM-project. NWO international program Language Acquisition and Multilingualism. Principal applicant. Co-applicants: Pof. dr. A. Hulk, Prof. dr. Antonella Sorace and Prof. dr. I. Tsimpli. Princical researchers (post-docs): dr S. Unsworth (Meertens/UU) and Froso Argyri (University of Edinburgh). http://ecb.childbilingualism.org/



  • 2011-2015 Limburg portal in DBNL (Digital Library of Dutch Literature): http://www.dbnl.org/letterkunde/limburg/
  • 2011-2012: CLARIN-project Cognition, Acquisition and Variation Tool (COAVA). Coordinator and Applicant. COAVA targets at interdisciplinary research into the relation between language acquisition and language variation by developing a tool for easily exploring the linguistic characteristics of objects. http://www.clarin.nl/node/2
  • 2008: Chair Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 (SS17), Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/ss17/
  • 2007-2012: EDISYN-project (European Dialect Syntax). Methodology. http://www.dialectsyntax.org/index.php/project-description-edisyn-mainmenu-50
  • 2002-2007: SAND-project (Syntactic Atlas of the Dutch Dialects). Methodology: design of the fieldwork and syntactic elicitation techniques. http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/projecten/sand/sandeng.html
  • 2001-present: STRAATTAAL ‘streetlanguage’. Research of mixed Dutch spoken by bilingual and monolingual youngsters in the cities in de Randstad. http://www.kennislink.nl/publicaties/hoezo-straattaal
  • 1997-2002: TCULT-project (Talen en Culturen in het Utrechtse Lombok en Transvaal) that has been part of the NWO-program Pluriform and Multicultural Society. Co-applicant (with dr. J. Aarssen). This project involved sociolinguistic research of linguistic variation in the spontaneous speech of Dutch-Turkish, Dutch-Moroccan, Dutch-Surinamese youngsters. The data are available at the Max Planck Institute (Dutch Bilingual Database: DBL). http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/projecten/TCULT.html