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Wetenschappelijke publicaties

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Material Change. The Impact of Reform and Modernity on Material Religion in North-West Europe, 1780-1920

Material Change. The Impact of Reform and Modernity on Material Religion in North-West Europe, 1780-1920

The long nineteenth century (c.1780–c.1920) in Western Europe saw an unprecedented rise in the production and possession of material goods. The material culture diversified and led to a rich variety of expressions. Dovetailing with a process of confessionalisation that manifested itself quite simultaneously, material religion witnessed its heyday in this...
Tracing slavery. The Politics of Atlantic Memory in The Netherlands

Tracing slavery. The Politics of Atlantic Memory in The Netherlands

“This book offers a fascinating study of the often implicit ways in which the memory of slavery affects present-day relations in the Bijlmer, a suburb of Amsterdam that since the 1970s became ever more marked by Afro-Surinamese presence.” Peter Geschiere, University of Amsterdam Looking at the ways in which the memory of slavery affects present-day relations in Amsterdam, this ethnographic account reveals a paradox: while there is growing official attention to the country’s slavery past (monuments, festivals, ritual occasions), many interlocutors showed little interest in the topic. Developing the notion of “trace” as a seminal notion to explore this paradox, this book follows the issue of slavery in everyday realities and offers a fine-grained ethnography of how people refer to this past – often in almost unconscious ways – and weave it into their perceptions of present-day issues.
Vurige liefde

Vurige liefde

Hoe het dorpje Welberg in de jaren '30 en '40 van de vorige eeuw korte tijd de uitverkoren plek op aarde leek – en het Vaticaan vervolgens snoeihard ingreep. Peter Jan Margry kreeg van het Vaticaan als enige toegang tot het archiefmateriaal over de dramatische en traumatische kwestie 'Janke Gorissen'.
Humanities Data Analysis: Case Studies with Python

Humanities Data Analysis: Case Studies with Python

A practical guide to data-intensive humanities research using the Python programming language. The use of quantitative methods in the humanities and related social sciences has increased considerably in recent years, allowing researchers to discover patterns in a vast range of source materials. Despite this growth, there are few resources addressed...
Cold War Mary. Ideologies, Politics, and Marian Devotional Culture

Cold War Mary. Ideologies, Politics, and Marian Devotional Culture

One hardly known but fascinating aspect of the Cold War was the use of the holy Virgin Mary as a warrior against atheist ideologies. After the Second World War, there was a remarkable rise in the West of religiously inflected rhetoric against what was characterized as “godless communism”. The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church not only urged their followers to resist socialism, but along with many prominent Catholic laity and activist movements they marshaled the support of Catholics into a spiritual holy war. 
Viraal Nederland

Viraal Nederland

De coronapandemie overspoelde in het voorjaar van 2020 ook Nederland. Onderzoekers van het Meertens Instituut trokken er meteen op uit, al was het soms via het beeldscherm: wat voor verhalen vertelden mensen elkaar? Ontstonden er nieuwe rituelen? En waarom verschenen er ineens spandoeken in dialect in het straatbeeld? In viraal Nederland lezen we een analyse van de manier waarop taal en cultuur meebewogen met ‘het nieuwe normaal’. De crisis laat zien dat bestaande aspecten van taal en cultuur veeleer worden uitvergroot dan echt veranderd. Daarmee zien we scherper hoe de wereld in Nederland, ook onder normalere omstandigheden, in elkaar zit.